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Long time Diver

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


New Member
Feb 15, 2024
Hello! I just learned of this group when looking up," What is wet equalization"? I was reading a book and this technique was talked about and I was curious as to what it meant. Anyway, I have been a Scuba Diver for over 47 years, and I have been teaching for over 30 years. I have lived and have dove both coasts and many other places also. I pretty much dive for pleasure now and look forward to learning some more through this group.
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Welcome. It's good to see some other old farts here. I got my first scuba gear in 1954 when I was 15 but then went back to freediving when I was 57. At 85 I've trying to decide whether to sell the boat and hang it up.

I suspect that you mean the USA when you say you dove both coasts, but keep in mind that this is an international group with far more posts from other countries than from the USA,
Welcome. It's good to see some other old farts here. I got my first scuba gear in 1954 when I was 15 but then went back to freediving when I was 57. At 85 I've trying to decide whether to sell the boat and hang it up.

I suspect that you mean the USA when you say you dove both coasts, but keep in mind that this is an international group with far more posts from other countries than from the USA,
Good point, I did mean both coasts in the US but have international also. Thank you for that correction and making think about the broad range of experience on this post
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