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Looking for people to spearfish with

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Does this mean that if it is bigger than 35 inches, you can't spear it or is it just a range for minimum size depending on the state?
What it means that anything you pull out of the water outside of this range will trigger punishment. NY, NJ, RI, NH all adopted this new reg. So carry a yardstick with you underwater, measure each kill and if it is outside of range - throw it back. Sounds dumb because it is. Like I said - acceptable for line and hook but retarded for spearos.
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What it means that anything you pull out of the water outside of this range will trigger punishment. NY, NJ, RI, NH all adopted this new reg. So carry a yardstick with you underwater, measure each kill and if it is outside of range - throw it back. Sounds dumb because it is. Like I said - acceptable for line and hook but retarded for spearos.
Minimum size is understandable but max size is just dumb indeed.
Minimum size is understandable but max size is just dumb indeed.
Exactly! It completely killed my desire to spearfish in the local waters next year. Drive 4 hours each way, pay for gas and tolls and get your gear confiscated because you are 1/4" out of range? No, thank you! What is left are tautogs. Seasonal and a lot of rock-hitting shots...
Exactly! It completely killed my desire to spearfish in the local waters next year. Drive 4 hours each way, pay for gas and tolls and get your gear confiscated because you are 1/4" out of range? No, thank you! What is left are tautogs. Seasonal and a lot of rock-hitting shots...

Is there a way to contest the rule? What is going to happen is that when one spears a fish larger than the limit, it will be discarded as fish food. What an idiotic rule.
Is there a way to contest the rule? What is going to happen is that when one spears a fish larger than the limit, it will be discarded as fish food. What an idiotic rule.
They confiscate all out of range fish and donate it to the local shelters or other 'poor houses'. You get your gear confiscated and get fined. For line and hook you lose your spinning, for us we lose guns, fins, masks, wetsuits... That is why I do not hunt in the USA - your freedom is a function of the population density. I go to places where there a few people and a few rules.
There is a piece of bad news regarding stripers - you are allowed only one in all local states and the size must be between 28 and 35 inches. It makes sense for line and hook since they can catch and release but for spearfishers it will not work well. As far as the local conditions - low temp, bad visibility, strong current, boats - means ZERO comfort and your bottom time will suffer. You also must have the correct weight on your belt and that depends on how deep you are going. Staying shallow means A LOT of weight that also creates discomfort.
Yeah im aware of the regs i do a lot of fishing with rod as well, as for the other stuff, just another day in jersey i guess lol don't have much of a choice but to adapt, i dive with 12lbs and usually just hold on to a rock and chill on the bottom, im looking forward to fishing in miami though a couple snappers would be awesome
Oh man awsome i was hoping someone would reply lol, ive been going to the shark river inlet a lot and managed to shoot a tog, went to Barnegat like a week ago but it was horrible conditions, all this rain latley has made it difficult, if weather permits i was planning to go out sometime between November 6-8, would you want to meet up and try a location? Ive only been diving around here close to shore
I was thinking of heading to some spots on the long island sound to check out. I just ordered a 5/4 wetsuit so i'm going to be getting in there asap lol
Hi everyone as the title says im looking for some dive buddies to go catch some fish with, the friend i went with doesn't go anymore so, now i need new people, im in north jersey, ill most likely be heading out tomorrow to belmar, if anyones interested id be glad to meet up
Hey man, I'm just starting out and would be down to go whenever. I'm in North Jersey as well.
Hey man, I'm just starting out and would be down to go whenever. I'm in North Jersey as well.
Yo man how funny, i just came across you on another thread, i came to check my old one and see u here lol, sorry for the late reply i was in miami all of march and wasnt checking here, im back now though and would love to meet up
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