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Loss of muscle mass due to freediving?


New Member
Jun 27, 2024
Hi all, I have read discussions on whether muscle mass impacts freediving in any given way, but am wondering if depth freediving results in losing muscle mass? And if so, why? I am a beginner freediver and would really not like to lose any muscle mass, hence this thread.

Here is one post that mentions this: "Especially if you focus only on depth freediving, you tend to lose a lot of muscles. Even if you take proteins on the side, usually you lose your muscle mass, so it's really important to keep stimulating your body in other ways and stay fit."

Clarification (as I am not allowed to edit my post as a new member):

Basically, is his claim akin to saying cardio will limit your muscle mass if you don't compensate with adequate caloric intake or is the "depth" component of freediving particular in the sense that in of itself (higher pressure or other features) affects muscle mass negatively?
How much muscle are you talking about? If you focus on obtaining the physical attributes of an elite freediver then that would not include building muscle mass. You can't be an elite freediver and elite bodybuilder at the same time. But you could be a very good freediver and also a very good bodybuilder.
How much muscle are you talking about? If you focus on obtaining the physical attributes of an elite freediver then that would not include building muscle mass. You can't be an elite freediver and elite bodybuilder at the same time. But you could be a very good freediver and also a very good bodybuilder.
So there is nothing “particular” about freediving other than it burns calories like aerobic exercising e.g. running? I was wondering whether the energy consumption was disproportionate compared to other activities. His mentioning that you will lose muscle mass even if you consume additional protein made me wonder.
"His mentioning that you will lose muscle mass even if you consume additional protein made me wonder." Frankly, I have never heard that "freediving causes loss of muscle mass" - as if the very act of swimming underwater and breath holding would somehow cause your muscles to shrink. A day of freediving probably does use a lot of energy - carrying you gear, setting up a line, swimming to a good spot, treading water. But the actual diving itself is very low energy. What is your goal regarding freediving? Do you want to train hard to compete or just enjoy the recreational aspects? If it's the latter I wouild not be concerned about loss of muscle mass. I myself do body building and my freediving has had no effect on that - although my freediving is rather sporadic.
"His mentioning that you will lose muscle mass even if you consume additional protein made me wonder." Frankly, I have never heard that "freediving causes loss of muscle mass" - as if the very act of swimming underwater and breath holding would somehow cause your muscles to shrink. A day of freediving probably does use a lot of energy - carrying you gear, setting up a line, swimming to a good spot, treading water. But the actual diving itself is very low energy. What is your goal regarding freediving? Do you want to train hard to compete or just enjoy the recreational aspects? If it's the latter I wouild not be concerned about loss of muscle mass. I myself do body building and my freediving has had no effect on that - although my freediving is rather sporadic.
How often is “rather sporadic” in your case?

I definitely don’t plan to compete. Recreationally intended but hopefully make it a hobby I.e. once every 1-2 weeks.
Sporadic for me is that I do it when I can. I really enjoy freediving and would do it regularly if I could find: 1. a nearby pool that allows it. 2. a buddy that is consistently available. So I usually end up doing it for a few months when I find a pool/ buddy. Then slack off for a few months. When I'm on it, I do pool sessions once or twice a week and static tables (I did CO2 tables this afternoon). Other than some stretching to loosen my ribcage, I don't do any of the intense meditation, yoga, and prescribed dieting that full time elite freedivers do.
Following the concept of "use it or lose it',I can imagine some loss of muscle mass, especially in the upper body, as a result of an intense focus on line diving. However, you are focusing on casual, occasional freediving. The chances of your use causing muscle mass loss has to be pretty close to zero. I would not worry about it.
I haven’t noticed any muscle loss from my dives, but I do think it depends on how often and intensely you dive. I typically do freediving as a fun way to mix up my routine, but I’ve never pushed it to the point where it’s a serious training focus. I also know some people who dive more regularly and still maintain muscle mass.
I haven’t noticed any muscle loss from my dives, but I do think it depends on how often and intensely you dive. I typically do freediving as a fun way to mix up my routine, but I’ve never pushed it to the point where it’s a serious training focus. I also know some people who dive more regularly and still maintain muscle mass.
That said, if you're worried about protein intake, I’ve found it helpful to make sure I’m getting enough throughout the day—sometimes I check out resources like Steroids Canada (steroidscanada.is) for advice. But honestly, if you’re doing it recreationally, I wouldn’t stress too much about muscle loss! It’s definitely worth talking to a trainer though if you're concerned.
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