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Low Vis Guns

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Dairyland diver
Apr 7, 2001
I tread into this area lightly because I know so litttle about this- spearfishing that is.

I tried it once when I was 14 out on Anacapa with a pole spear that no one instructed me on how to use- what was this rubber strap for?:confused: I was turned off by the sport, because I sucked at it, and got into photography instead.

That changed last week when I went spearfishing for the first time with a very nice gun that I won in a contest. The problem is that it is too nice for where I dive. The thing is about a 5' long woody from Hawaii. It has great power but we don't have enough vis in the inland lakes to see to the end of the muzzle, let alone the tip!:waterwork

I have gone back through these threads and have been looking through the DB store. I am thinking about a 75cm Sporasub Viper if I go with a Euro gun. I have also been looking at a 24" Bandito with 2 slings. It's not a JBL, but I can get it cheap and decide to upgrade later.

I am looking for advice on this, Sven I know your out there:eek: , and am wondering about people's opinions on what gun to get for going after carp and panfish in freshwater. If I ever get to one of the Florida events my gun that I have now would be perfect.

Thanks for any adivce that you can give me.

Riffe comp. 1x(refers 71 cm on euro) or 2x(86cm)
OMER Alluminium 70-80
May be RA... smallest one

If you have access to any of these brands stay away from sporasub viper.Actually it's may not that bad but i know it's not as good as above models..

BTW what did you win from contest?
I use a JBL NW Special for my "up close and Personal" stuff. more of a chainsaw then a scapel, but gets the job done.


Poor vis, fast loading, medium fish? One answer.
Pneumatic 55 to 70cm is best.(mares cyrano is OK)
Don't even bother to put a lot of string on it. Just 2 gun lengths so that you can reload it pretty fast.

all ya had to do was ask!

Low viz and all dictates a shorter gun but doesn't mean you can go lightweight. The carp and suckers will put a hurt on gear just as well as a salt water fish. Then there's the slime...

Beginner and pro alike, the best low viz, short and effective gun made is a JBL Custom. Called a 4G32 when Voit and Voit Swimaster made them, they use two bands, can take two wraps of line, have beefy internals, a 5/16 shaft and wash off with no fuss for another day. You can spend a lot more for less gun.

Once you get this thing down and find some better and saltier water, then you can start expanding your quiver, but keep the little meateater. I've got mine from Day 1 and it still gets more use than the others and keeps on producing.

You see them on ebay for about $65, there's one there now, and new for a buck twenty.

All that said, what did you win? You da guy won the Yakooji? We need to chat...

Lemme know you need any more anything.


I don't know what it is called.
It has an Undersee grip with a short aluminum butt piece. The muzzle is all teak and at least 4' long-more than the vis in the inland lakes. It has a shaft with welded fins and a Tahitian tip. It has about 20' of range. I hope to get it out in the ocean one day. Right now it does a heck of a job on the little perch and I hope to get it out on Lake Michigan, where we can SEE, to get some carp.

Thanks for the advice,

my 2 cents

From the late 60's to the mid 80's I competed in spearfishing. In So Cal it was mostly in the winter. Maybe I didn't achieve much but, it satisfied the masochistic tendencies.
The best gun for dirty water (and halibut shooting) was a 40"x3/8 shaft on a surplus aluminum tube with an old in line open muzzle, the old Ausi mechanism (would you believe 5 for $20 in 1970 and two are still good), 5 prong as short as possible and handle as far forward as bicep clearance allowed. Cheap, easy to get working and fast to fix. Guarenteed not to harvest as many compliments as Sven's new masterpiece.
The picture is (left to right) a 25 yr old gun that has been broken a dozen times and shot hundreds of fish. After competition, it was my 'tagging' gun. Now it has been Hawaiin-ized with a Riffe 5/16 that cost more than any two guns I ever owned. I don't think that there are any guns around that have 'shot' as many 250# fish. The black gun is a little older and is the 40" version that I'm saving in case I ever see some dirty water again. On the right is the new Hawaiin version (under construction) that is neutral in the water and will have a rear handle for more reach. The fish out here get to see you coming. I would have included my 'Addict' gun but it REALLY looks bad.
In the background I've included a touch of nostalgia designed to bring a tear to the eye of anyone who knew Don Duckett?. About # 12 in a list of my suits built by one of the very best.
Questions might be best adressed to the mistle toe on my beaver tail until after the 'Pacific Cup'. The next few weeks will be a great time to be in Kona.


Having a little trouble here with the pic
Sweet nectar of life!

arrgh, Bill, your photo and descriptions bring a tear to me one good eye!! Those are the true tools folks!
A beautiful combination of function and fish. Those belong on the wall if not drying out after a session! Hot damn!!

Those that don't know or didn't get lucky to know Don Duckett... ol' Don was another true piece of work. Owner of the Wetsuit Factory in Santa Barbara, CA, he was the MAN if you needed a wetsuit. He specialized in commercial wetsuits for the abalone and urchin divers and you just weren't serious unless you had one. And one was all you needed, because they were just dakine. Not that I miss having 5/8" farmer john and jacket with 1/2" sleeves so I could move, but I owe more to Don than I can admit... I intro'd him to my then girlfriend, later wife and now ex, and he always had a standing offer to her that he wanted to measure her for a custom. And he'd cut her a deal if he could do it without me around... God bless him and I miss his quality, motocross stories and cigar.

What size fish were you taking with those 5-prong? I've always had a problem with tear-offs if it wasn't a "perfect" shot.

I have a JBL NW Special that I have been using for a good 6 years with amazing success on Hamour (grouper) and even some jack and Bonita, overseas - I'm now in Canada nad the same rig should work for ling, but I'm wondering how the tip I use will fair with Halibut (hunting at same time) on a denser bottom substrate (it was always fine sand before).

I use a JBL swivel tip with 2X2in floppers. #844


any opinions?

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If you're going after Halibut, you'll save a lot of fish, shafts and your hair by going with a detachable, like the detachable rock tip. The barbs are a little long, but if you cut them down and fare them, your stylin. It's also a good tip for lings if you can load up the 5/8 bands and get the shaft through the softer tissue behind the eyes.

I don't know the size - only the JBL codes - but I've had up to three JBL416 bands (blue ones) on at once - was sick! but accuracy sucked - now I have 2X #316 and 1X #416. goes through 25lb Hamour like butter. ( hamour is a Persian gulf ling, only stubbier)

5 prong

Aloha Willer
You're talking close shots in dirty water with lots'a rubber. If I shot a 5# bass perfectly, I'd pick up both pieces. Head on with a 30# halibut the 5 tines would go to the hilt between the eyes. Usually had all day to pick him up but sometimes only 10-15 seconds. Same thing when you couldn't tell which end was up, five chances for a piece of the spine and a leisure retrieve. Once with a head shot on a big ling, it took two divers, one knife, a car bumper and 10 minutes to get the spear out.
Clear water is a different story. Depending on how many rocks you 'bagged' that day, the accuracy left something to be desired.
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