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New Member
Aug 19, 2002
I have read more than once that Mako sharks were not a big threat to man. After reading Rig’s and other posts here on Mako’s, and getting to see Manny on Shark week last week, it finally dawn on me the truth about these fish. They are the most badass sharks in the ocean! The only reason the books don’t think they are much of threat, is because they are using statistics, and most people are never in the water were Mako’s are. Bluewater spearfishers, in the Gulf of Mexico is an exception.

I’m planning a trip out to the SPARS (deep water floating rigs) in a few weeks, which is supposed to be Mako country. What would you do if saw a big Mako? My dive buddy has had to put a few spears into sharks before, but never a Mako. He says most sharks will run when they get stuck. What would a Mako do? They have reputation for jumping into the boat and going after the fisherman who has them hooked!
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You should have seen the brown stains I left when a 2.5 metre mako swam circles around my head whilst spearing last month. Held tighlty on to a rock and prayed that the bugger left.
However they looks like lovely creatures from the pic.:head

As SasSpero (or someone else) said they are just bigger sized kitty:duh
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Alrighty then...:confused:

Seriously though, the mako is the biggest badass in the gulf Don. They are an inevitable fact of bluewater hunting here(kinda like GW's in SA?) The best thing to do is calmly get out of the water. Dont freak out whatever you do. If you run they will more than likely chase, and I bet you can guess who's faster. I wouldnt spear one unless forced to, just keep an eye on him while you find your way to safety. Safe hunting.

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Uhm ...

I said Great Whites are big Cats. I don't like White tips, Makos or Tigers all that much. Although I still think of them as cats. :D

You mean like Lions? Don't worry if they are not hungry?:D

Don I have no experience with Makos, but if you get Tigers in your area be careful. I dont care what anyone says I think Tigers are very dangerous and I get out of the water immediately after an encounter, if possible they will eat not only you but your speargun and float as well as anything else they can scavenge.

We generally carry powerheads here, the ones that you can just slip over the Tahitian spear, not that I go out to kill em its just to be safe when that monster comes in. Take care

If you did not get to see Manny Pugh’s part on shark week, this is what you missed. He and his camera crew swam with several types of sharks, including bulls and a tiger. He feed the sharks, usually with barracuda pieces and used some pretty amazing maneuvers to stay away from their teeth. He would get his free hand on the shark and then move his legs and body out of the way. All the sharks including the bulls and the tiger were hesitant to take his feedings. They moved slow and checked everything out.

Then he feed some small makos off the coast of California, and then went to Louisiana to dive a deep oil platform and then the midnight lump. The two large makos off Louisiana were completely different then anything else he had dove with. They rocket up from the depth and went straight for him and his offering with no hesitation. Their moves were fast and deliberate. He had to use his free hand on and move the lower body out of the way technique, constantly and at a much faster pace than he had before. It was scary!

On the mako at the midnight lumps, he ran out of feeding fish and the mako turned it attention on the camera divers, Mark Rackley and Mehgan Heaney-Grier. There were some tense moments. The fact that nobody was hurt is part miracle and skill.

Ivan, thanks for your advice on the tiger shark. I will do my best to get out of water for tigers, makos, whites, and bulls. How does your powerhead stay on your Tahitian spear? Is there a wing bolt or something?
There is a reason those makos on the lump act like that. The are there solely to feed on the migrating schools of large yellowfins and wahoo. Notice the larger gut on those makos? They are highly aggressive. It is quite unnerving to see YF with the allison fin bit off. I will more than likely not dive the lump anymore unless the tuna are busting or the water is clean. Usually the murk is about 30'+ there and I know several divers that have encountered makos in the clearer deep waters only to have to swim back to the surface where you cant see the end of your nose! Add that to the fact that there are up to 200 boats chumming the waters in a 2 square mile area....I will be sticking to the clean blue water at the nearby rigs. Less tuna but more large wahoo.
After those comments, I don’t think I want to dive the lump now either. Have you made it to a SPAR this year? At least the top is should be clean there.

Don the Powerhead slides straight onto the tip, but dont push too hard or it will blow. Then there is a piece of cable crimped to the powerhead shell and then about 20cm of cable followed by another crimped loop. With that loop we slide it over the barb then pull it back behind the barb if you know what I mean.

Kinda hard to explain. Not sure if they sell em in shops we got ours made up by metal workers

or make your own like this;)


  • ppd2.jpg
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Originally posted by Murat

You mean like Lions? Don't worry if they are not hungry?:D

Only if you know Lions really well - most people dont. Try this with your cat (or your girlfriends cat) the next time it enters a room. Look at it's eyes - if it's squinting, it's sending out a friendly signal to all in the room. Squint your own eyes at the cat - it should come over right away. If you open your eyes wide it should leave you well alone.

The same's true for all animal behaviour .... I'm a firm believer in the theory that we should be learning their language, instead of trying te teach them our language (look at the amount of chimps being taught how to use sign language ... sad)

The more time you spend with animals, the bette your chances are of understanding them and their behaviour. As long as you've got an inquiring and willing mind, stain proof pants and a couple o' hours to study your subject, you can and will learn amazimg facts.

And powerheads? Come on .... where's the fun in that? :hmm
Originally posted by SASpearo
Only if you know Lions really well - most people dont. Try this with your cat (or your girlfriends cat) the next time it enters a room. Look at it's eyes - if it's squinting, it's sending out a friendly signal to all in the room. Squint your own eyes at the cat - it should come over right away. If you open your eyes wide it should leave you well alone.

I noticed that before. I have cat and i am watching her's movements carefully. Its looks like wild cats that i watched in the films. I have other cats but this one has no difference than lion. She is so amazing, its like have small sized wild cat in the home. When she is angry she open eyes and makes round shape iris...
She looks more wary and shows reaction every small action, especially at night. They also has developed sense, when you walk directly towards them in angry mode they know it and run away.
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