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Marlin for food

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
Stoked to hear that these magnificent fish are being eaten, I'd hate to see them go to waste. Thanks guys.
My wife's family have a well known fish taco business, called MR Fish, here in La PAz, and the smoked marlin tacos are a delicacy. It is not a commercial species thought, and you can get the meat from the sportfishers like the ones that only fish for Prize fishes. The meat of Marlin is tastier and lighter than tuna's, and i only wish to have the guts to shot one of them one day. I think spearfishing is the sportier way to whack the king of the sea, not a dry reel sissy thing. Around here we don't have spearfishing dilemmas as if it's a matter of right or wrong, because we just kill for food, and we are jealous wardens of our fishes. Marlin is the Emblematic fish for us the sudcalifornianos, and will never waste the life or the meat of a fish. The marlin is not a prize it means a full month of delicious and nutritive meat to a whole mexican family, were the income is low and the protein is scarce.
seaman said:
I think spearfishing is the sportier way to whack the king of the sea, not a dry reel sissy thing.

ALLRIGHT BUDDIE YOUR TREADING ON THIN ICE HERE. DON'T DAWG THE FISHERMEN BECAUSE WE WILL RETALIATE. Marlin is very sportsman like on rod and reel. Just depends what kind of tackle you use. There are many fishermen who have used 20lb test line to catch 200 and 300lb marlin. Now that there is a feat. And do you think it's easy to hook up on a marlin? Baiting a marlin is very very difficult. Out of every 10 hooked you will probably only land 1 or 2 tops...
Polystigma said:
ALLRIGHT BUDDIE YOUR TREADING ON THIN ICE HERE. DON'T DAWG THE FISHERMEN BECAUSE WE WILL RETALIATE. Marlin is very sportsman like on rod and reel. Just depends what kind of tackle you use. There are many fishermen who have used 20lb test line to catch 200 and 300lb marlin. Now that there is a feat.

consider this Warning #2. next time I'm going to suspend your account for a few days.

seems you could use some cooling off. threats are not tollerated on this board. :rcard
Amphibious said:
consider this Warning #2. next time I'm going to suspend your account for a few days.

seems you could use some cooling off. threats are not tollerated on this board. :rcard

Threat? Who is making threats? I did not threaten him in anyway. Did I say I was going to do something to him???? No. As in will retaliate I meant we will talk smack back to you. We won't just sit around while someone calls us sissys. How would you feel if I called you spearos sissys as a fishermen only? I have seen spearo/fishermen wars on many boards before. And stuff can get real nasty, so just watch what you say about others.

And amphibious, it seems you have some authority issues going on. The first time was kinda understandable, but a warning for this. :rcard
The latest pissing contest...

The way I'm reading this is that several people are feeling that their feet (fins?) are being stepped on from both legit and knee jerk reactions to words that are being taken the wrong way or read with a past agenda.

The original question is valid and most replies have been supportive and informative. Unfortunately the vibe has degraded to name and race calling and Deeper Blue and I have zero tolerance for that crap.

Whilst we all go back and re read the original question posed here, let's also remember to read the posts with an eye towards informative and humorous participation. Everybody. :ycard
Yeah, while fighting a billfish on 20lb tackle is real sporting how much longer do you have to fight that fish to get it to the boat? THE MORTALITY RATE SKYROCKETS on light tackle. That fish is dead not long after you and the "crew" crack beers, give each other high fives and ass pats. Poly you have alot to learn.

while I pick up a fishing rod occasionally and have fun catching fish w/ it, there's no argument how much more sporting it is to get close enough to stick a marlin and LAND IT w/ a speargun.

Mullins, did you put out the New Zealand video? I just got it and its very good. The footage of your 8 year old is awesome.
StretchArmStron said:
Yeah, while fighting a billfish on 20lb tackle is real sporting how much longer do you have to fight that fish to get it to the boat? THE MORTALITY RATE SKYROCKETS on light tackle. That fish is dead not long after you and the "crew" crack beers, give each other high fives and ass pats. Poly you have alot to learn.

while I pick up a fishing rod occasionally and have fun catching fish w/ it, there's no argument how much more sporting it is to get close enough to stick a marlin and LAND IT w/ a speargun.

Mullins, did you put out the New Zealand video? I just got it and its very good. The footage of your 8 year old is awesome.

So the fish does not die when you put a shaft through it's head???? I was talking about a fish to keep. If you want to catch a marlin and release it you should use no less than 80lb test. That way he won't be that tired since you'll get em to the boat faster. As for learning, I probably know more about fishing then you do, so don't instruct me. As for spearfishing go on ahead.....
I never instructed you about fishing. You have absolutley no idea the knowledge I possess w/ a hook and line...there you go making generalizations again.
After some thoughts gathered from Mentors and Team Leaders, I'm going to close this thread until a few of you can play nice, as in treating eachother with the respect as outlined in the DB rules. And even if it weren't in the rules, common courtesy dictates a different manner than is being demonstrated here.

If you feel put on by this, send me a PM and give me your take on it and we'll see were it goes.

You wanna go namecalling, go to some other site.
Reopen for discussion

Ahh... see what a refreshing few days can do for everyone's thought processes? :hmm

So lets try this again, sans the slamming, impatience and name calling. Give everyone an opportunity to get themselves heard and then hit the reply key. One of the key factors in closing the thread for a while was to get in touch w/ the clowns pulling the race card, an occurance for which this place and I have zero tolerance. :rcard

As I said before, you wanna go the name-calling and race card, go to some other site. And when they cheerfully refer to you as a fish-head eating slope, well, just come knocking and see if we're home. :t

Cheers and thanks for your support.

On the actual topic, the problem I have with the spearing of marliun, at least as far as I've heard and read is with the baiting or attracting of the fish. I mean, stand on the swimstep while the teasers and baits are run and hop in ahead of it as it goes for the bait?? :confused:
StretchArmStron said:
Mullins, did you put out the New Zealand video? I just got it and its very good. The footage of your 8 year old is awesome.

Nope, that would be Darren Shields and his son Jackson - but yeah, both videos are well put together and good indications of what NZ spearfishing is like. I don't think they include any bluewater hunting, from memory, because the footage was mostly shot before NZ spearos really started getting into marlin, tuna etc. Hopefully he'll release another one with the footage of the huge bluefin tuna he filmed off westport last year.... he reckoned the biggest was around 400kg :martial
Re: Reopen for discussion

icarus pacific said:
On the actual topic, the problem I have with the spearing of marliun, at least as far as I've heard and read is with the baiting or attracting of the fish. I mean, stand on the swimstep while the teasers and baits are run and hop in ahead of it as it goes for the bait?? :confused:

Worse than groundbaiting? Berlying from the surface? Using flashers? Why?

I shot a marlin that happened to swim past me - the others used the method you just mentioned, and had it much harder. They had to cope with a boat that was still moving, a big cloud of bubbles and swirling water, and a marlin that was still going full-tit towards the lures....
mullins my bad...soon as I got home I realized it was darren shields...the only bluewater they had on the vids was of the kingies. still good stuff though!
"...full tit toward the lures." Now theres a phrase I can appreciate. ;)

No offense at the method of trolling the bait before the kill, because you do what you have to do to get the fish. I do trail flashers when down in So Cal for Yellowtail, and the groundbaiting thing isn't necessary up here, as crunching an urchin will just get you a cloud of fish too small to shoot, but I liken it to bullfighting where the bull is lured in and then some guy in tights jumps in to deliver the coup de grace. :martial

I mean here you have this massive beauty of a dinosaur swimming merrily after a teaser and then it's wondering what the Hell is this clown doing out here? Just before it eats stainless. The thing that would really cause me to take a look at this is the amount of fish and blood in the water. Good on you guys though.:king
I tried some smoked marlin in Portugal and it was excellent!!
With regards to eating ocean sunfish--I believe their flesh is toxic. Anybody care to confirm?
Once shot a marlin, had some food for many days and prepared many ways (raw, ceviche style, grilled,... ) and, to my opinion, it is excellent food !

As stone_shot, I have always been told that Sunfish is not only bad for the taste but can fix certain toxics and be dangerous for health.
Still, it must depend on the place they live, they are places were ALL fish are polluted...
Just for curiosity's sake I looked up whether or not you can eat sunfish--I didn't find any sites that said they were toxic. The reviews were quite mixed, with some saying they were good eating and others that they aren't great but won't kill you (sort of like hot dogs!) Most sites agreed that they are usually lousy (pardon the pun) with parasites. They are in the same family (Tetradontidae) as they highly toxic fugu (japanese pufferfish) that will certainly kill you if you eat the wrong bits of it!
Personally, I think I'd stick to observation on this one and spear something that I know tastes good---look out giltheads!!:p
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