There was a guy at the dive course who said he tried the lighter and everything and it still fogged like crazy. The instructor said hed get him some anti fog. I then said "i had the same problem... Just spit in the mask, rub it around and dont rinse it. Just let the spit run to the bottom of the mask." he tried it and on the second day thanked me as he still had no fogging.
Antifog will work in the same way but only if you dont rinse it. The danger is if your mask floods you now have a mask full of chemicals around your eyes. The bottle usually says not to get it in your eyes right on it.
Id say try spitting before you get the lighter out. Its free and easy. It dosent need much spit. Just a little dot to rub around with your finger.
Antifog will work in the same way but only if you dont rinse it. The danger is if your mask floods you now have a mask full of chemicals around your eyes. The bottle usually says not to get it in your eyes right on it.
Id say try spitting before you get the lighter out. Its free and easy. It dosent need much spit. Just a little dot to rub around with your finger.