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mediterranean "pissette"

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2014
Hi :I
Since winter is almost here i'm thinking of a new way to setup my pissette.
I have the normal pissette tube which work ok, i guess.
My problem is that i sometimes loose up to a kg of fluid while beeng in the water 3-4 hours. Yes thats a lot of peeing.!!
If my junk is not line up correctly in the pissette i will swim around in pee in my suit, a lot of pee.
Which in cold water is not very pleasant, yes its warm the first 30sec but then gets really cold.!

I have seen spearfishing video from the mediterranean where instead of have the normal pissette tube, they have a small rubber hose sticking out of there wetsuit, usually on the side.
I can't really find anything on how that works.

Have anybody experience on how to set that up or how it works.? I'm guessing its some kind of incontinent system they are using for a pissette, but not really sure.?

thx :)
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