Wow! I should take more time and do it even slower.
For my dry static I do belly breathing in a 4:4:8 rhythm: inhale 4 heartbeats using diaphragm, hold 4 heartbeats, exhale 8 heartbeats with relaxed rib cage but with tongue resistance (comes out as a long ssshhhhh sound). Usually in 4-5 minutes my fingers, toes, and forehead would start to get cold (is this similar to the dive reflex?) Some days if the conditions are right I would get into the alpha state when doing this, though it's hard to explain when the switch into the 'relax/alert' mode happens.
So when I feel I'm ready I would do 5 purges in the 2:0:3 rhythm, inhale the last breath fully, wait a few seconds, then suck in once to top off my lungs (I don't have the hang of 'packing' yet, should purge for a longer time too).
Doing the above routine generally get me to 2:30 the first time, 3:30 the second time, and 4:00-4:30 the rest of the session.
After I give up the long breath and get the new one, I would move my limbs a little about to reestablish circulation. Then repeat.
DSV, from your post it looks like you take twice as long to recover and re-breathe-up than I do. I'll try that.
I haven't tried wet static yet. Octo and I will probably do that one of these days. We usually just warm up for dynamic apnea doing neg. pressure dives.
Mark, my breathe-up routine was originally based on Erik Y.'s description in the 'Western Canada Regionals' thread. Check it out.
Any feedbacks, suggestions are appreciated.