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monday morning

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Aug 17, 2002
...just one of these days...




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Oh man... Thanks for the reminder! What a serene looking time. Look forward to sailing through the med for some of that.
Was there ever a better example of "a picture is worth a thousand words."

Great shots

Hmm... I guess that I have to get my shiny white ass back to Dahab ASAP.

Love the pictures!

Peter P
wooo hoooo I go next week!!!!!

can't wait to get into that lovely blue stuff again

too much green in my life right now

this week started all right again :t



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Seriously nice Manta Ray Roland.

How big was it???

Haven't seen any Ray's that big out here yet!

Have a grea week, Golfinho!
I see your mission is finally acomplished. :)
Blue hole I presume by the swimmer in the background of one of the photos?
Now if you could only take a shot of that huge puffer fish hanging around... ;)
Awsome pictures!!! :)

Thanks for posting it. My week is still long. :)

Was it inside the or outside the blue hole?
How long did it stay?

I must definately get a new job, maybe one that allows me to do that! :)
As they say when your job starts to interfere with your diving, its time to get a new one. :)
It sucks having to sit in a office all day and longing for the weekend and now that winters creeping around the corner Ill have to go diving in bad vis aswell but I cant imagine the whole winter without a dive.
Ok I must stop now otherwise Im gonna go insane!!!!!!!!
you know michael, that manta wasn't in the blue hole, only puffer fish there ;)

...and thousands of snorkellers.

we were diving in the south that day. it swam along the beach between 15m and 5m. i followed it for about 15 minutes, passed a few groups of bubble divers (only one group actually saw it :hungover) and then let it carry on.

it's been a bit of a project of mine for years to dive with a manta and now that i finally had the opportunity i want to do it again. that was an absolutely fascinating experience.


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So these beautiful shots are made in Dahab? Awsome...

What's the best diving spot in Egypt, in your opnion? I've heard a lot about Ras Mohamed.

Oh, and about how deep are these pictures taken?

personally my favourite diving spot is dahab. that's why i decided to live here in the first place. it's going to be my 6th year now, so it can't be that bad :D

ras mohammed is very nice to freedive as well (shore diving), warmer water and more corals and bigger fisheeez.

the manta pix were taken in 5-15m depth, the ones at the drop off at around 20m.


immerlustig said:
you know michael, that manta wasn't in the blue hole, only puffer fish there ;)

...and thousands of snorkellers.

we were diving in the south that day. it swam along the beach between 15m and 5m. i followed it for about 15 minutes, passed a few groups of bubble divers (only one group actually saw it :hungover) and then let it carry on.

it's been a bit of a project of mine for years to dive with a manta and now that i finally had the opportunity i want to do it again. that was an absolutely fascinating experience.



dam i missed that :D
Wow, those manta rays photos are great! Good job and well earned it appears. So, that was/is a big question on my mind, whether Dahab is a good representation for the notoriety surrounding the Red Sea's incredible diversity and color of sea life?

After hearing about the Red Sea's diving, I had put it on my next place to stop for a trip. It looks like it will happen this coming fall. So, have you heard or experienced other areas of the Red Sea, and how do they compare?


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