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Monster Sharks

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looking for deeper water
Jan 26, 2002

I wanted to tell you guys about a little shark story that happenend in my local waters with some linefisherman if your interested or not. Out fishing on the outer great barrier reef these guys were fishing for mackeral they had a hookup of an estimated 16kgs fish it took off and after the run there was a big splash they wound the line in only to have the head of the mackeral with a 5m hammerhead following. The hammerhead circled the boat several times and rammed it twice. They rigged up another line and threw it out to catch the hammerhead it took the bait immediately 45mins into the fight something happenend the shark was coming in with something much larger following the 5m hammerhead. As it got near the boat a GIANT oceanic Tiger shark was following the hammerhead the fisherman said that it was so overly fat and that they never thought something so big existed in the food chain. The Tiger attacked the hammerhead twice in two seperate bites it ate all of the hammerhead up to just behind its eyes the fisherman managed to get the head of the hammerhead into the boat. They have a photo of the head of the hammer head where its just minced where the shark took the last bite. If I has the technology i could give a photo the remains of the hammerhead itself is huge let alone the shark that ate it almost in two bites. The worst part of this is that I have dived in this area. The fisherman couldnt get an exact measurement but they said the Tiger dwarfed the hammerhead it must have been a giant shark. I know Tigers have been seen to 6m but I never knew they were this big.

I have lost my courage to spearfish in open waters. I mean if that Tiger can eat a hammerhead that big it will swallow me in one go. I havent really worried that much about sharks before but im not the most Macho guy when it comes to sharks of this size. Maybe you guys have no fear of sharks this size but next time I go diving im gonna be looking behind me every 5 seconds. Do you think with my 110 railgun with single band will give me chance to survive if a Tiger like this comes straight at me with mouth open ready to eat me I will shoot at it hopefully the spear will stick in and scare the shark off to give me a chance to get to the boat or is the shark not gonna be affected. Abri and Sa boys have you had experience with rouge sharks like this what do I do. Im even to scared to spearfish in dirty water any more.
Man, I was so jelous of ur Mackerel & Giant Trevaly but that fat Tiger is something I will never be jelous of...:confused:

Australia is known for great fish sizes and quantity. I think that's the price to pay for those reward......damn so expensive a price.

I somehow believe that danger that caused death is fated but spearing in water like that, maybe a bit pushy for me.

Becareful Ivan...

Yeah Iya im really nervous ive been studying and trying to get info about Tiger sharks and places that im likely to find them it seems they hang out in the deep water. Thats the problem my biggest thrill in spearing is getting fish in deeper water my dads got a couple of 450 powerheads but im thinking a shark this size will most likely attack before I get the power head ready. I can handle most species here Ie The Whalers, reef sharks, Hammerheads etc but Big Tigers is not one you want to mess with. I know there are those Idiots who grab there fins etc but the Tiger will change attitude quickly and could be friendly to all of a sudden killing you. Dad has had a Tiger come up and take a bite on our outboard motor on the old boat.

To anyone intereted in seeing a pic of the hammer head Ivan has mentioned here is a link... Also the shark was taken off the ribbon reefs... these are located of Cairns...

http://www.spearfishing.com.au look in the Spearo's corner section and you will find it under "one hell of a tiger" I believe you will all find this interesting... *grins* so this is the reason there are no white pointer attacks up here eh... :head :D

I was all excited to write you guys about the 4 to 5m Hammerhead I got to swim with yesterday, but after reading this stuff and seeing the pic my story just doen't hold up.

Thanks for sharing Ivan.

Originally posted by ivan

Do you think with my 110 railgun with single band will give me chance to survive if a Tiger like this comes straight at me with mouth open ready to eat.

Terry Maas shot one but probably he was not using 110 cm railgun.
Damn thýs story is so scarry for me. Do you guys remmember "Deep Blue" film which 5+ meters tiger eaten by whites?

Dont worry Ivan that big shark wont intend to eat you. If that tiger eats 5 meter hammerhead you are just to small for it. (I hope)

Becarefull there man...
That pic is sick bro...you guys have a nice forum going on over there in Oz-land...too bad I cant decifer half of what you are saying! If you teach me your slang I will teach you cajun coon-ass!
Haha deal :)

Come on over and sign up for an account, the more the merrier :)

Yeah Murat dont worry I will take a shot at it if I need to. Dad usually takes his powerheads with hime cos when the Fish hole up the whalers usually break into a freeding frenzy and sometimes attack each other :duh

Some people are unafraid of sharks, my uncle etc shooths fish ant ties them onto his weightbelt his crazy we pay him out big time for this but I want to survive in the blue world.



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Now guys the mother F$^%^ng shark that ate that hammerhead is the beast in my mind. Where it was caught WAS my regular dive spot but no more :waterwork

Nice story Ivan ; I would suggest that rather than giving up on that spot (if it is particularly good) just make sure your boatman is wide awake and stays close , also have your buddy close by . We have a similar situation at the Canyon ; although the two resident tigers there are only 4.5 - 5 m. long ...:D
This is the only reef where I adhere to the one - up ; one - down rule . When a big fish is speared we put another spear in it and get it on the boat pronto .
Other than that ; hell , you just have to make peace with the fact that some big johnnies are out there . :head

Ahhhh Straight from the mouth of an expert South African :D

We usually dont have a boatman we just anchor the boat in a good spot and everyone goes there seperate ways. But I think I will dive closer with a buddy near by. The spot is quite good actually my mate saw a Striped Marlin there not long ago and I also see lots of Doggies deep down. Its basically a coral edge that drops vertically from 10ft down to 100ft then a few miles out its a couple of kilometres deep.

Hey maybe I can get an army of spearos together and instead of the 1 up one down rule we can have 20 up and 20 down and they all circle around me whilst im in the middle the marlin will come underneath I shoot and the Tigers take out the rest of the 19 army whilst im quietly landing my fish :D :D That is some idea

Are the Tigers at your spot particularly aggressive to you for no reason or what. Ive seen smaller Tigers that just swim by on the bottom but I bet the Real man size Tigers just attack. :duh

Ivan... your spearing the ribbon reefs eh? I will have to try and make a trip up your way some time if you will have me :)
I will be happy to join your "Spearo army" :cool:

We are organsing a small charter trip out to the inner reefs some time in the next few weeks (off townsville) but I think it's more fishing... will keep you posted on results!

rigdvr your welcome to wonder on over anytime you like :) there is certainly some interesting characters about.

Yeah Rob I dive the Ribbons fairly regularly it is an awsome place. But my Buddy and I are now planning on chasing Red Emperor, Large mouth Nannygai and Cobia on a deep wreck this will probably be more action again cos as far as I know no one has dived it cos there are to few spearos up here. You cant see the bottom need a GPS and Depth sounder to find it :D

We line fish it and it gets pretty exciting you can catch anything on it.

Hey Andy, I think my dad knows how to find that without a gps... there's two wrecks off wonga right? He was telling me about this before... ones about 30 and ones about 20?

Brad there is 1 wreck off Wonga which is in 25ft there is also a headland coming off the beach. There is a wreck up the coast way up past Snapper Island its a couple of miles off shore from a place we call black rock in 60ft.

But the one were going to dive would be near impossible to find without a gps its in the middle of the shipping channel and is only small in area its roughly 20 miles off shore so I dont think you could find such a small wreck with land marks this far from shore, maybe if you could see the bottom. This ones in 100ft and about 120ft on the sides this is the one were planning to dive. Dad also has numerous Rubble patches on GPS in the shipping channel that we get from local trawlers these also attract the same species but are thick with sharks even when linefishing the sharks will much the fish on the way up.

The vis in the shipping channel is not as good as the outer reef but if we could get 15-20m I would be satisfied.

Out in between Agincourt and Mackay reef there is an extremely productive spot that we locals call the paddock its in 130ft. We have linefished it cos I cant dive that deep but have caught Red emperor to 36lbs, 60lb+ Cobia and Big mackerals but again the sharks give you a floggin in these open waters.
Originally posted by ivan

The vis in the shipping channel is not as good as the outer reef but if we could get 15-20m I would be satisfied.

youre killing me here! and stop telling us that 24 C is cold! :ycard
Mum and Dad look like they're selling up in JB and moving to their block in Daintree hopefully around September... if that's the case, I'll be up that way in Sep or Nov - worst case December... I might have to grab some of those marks off you :D
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