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More on floats

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Deeper Blue Budget Bwana
Jan 13, 2004
As I understand it, those of us who are going to do most of their initial spearfishing from shore ought to be pulling floats along to carry . . . what? I can imagine a boogyboard with a hole cut in the center suspending the net from an old landing net to hold any fish stupid to come within range. Also, water? Powerbars? Spare spears and/or points? Extra rubber? Just what goes onto a float anyway and how big should it be? What do you all make yours from? Help?
My dive float is a boat-bumper I bought at a hardware store.
I make sure there are a few carabiners attatched to string my fish on, a water bottle (on 'biner), a few 2lb weights (for shallow dives), an extra spear point, and a cheap little backpack I use to put the fish in when I come back to shore (to avoid questions and negative impact on the sport).
I don't bring a spare rubber out as there are 2 on the gun, and 1 would do the job if the other breaks.
Erik Y.
I use several floats in different situations (Open water/blue water I use a big body board. I use a small body board for inshore around barges and sunken structure, and a boat fender bouy around the docks and pilings...ps take my advice and use yellow poly for floatline around alot of pilings)
My large body-board float is my favorite, still unfinished...
I keep water, a carabiner on the back to string my fish, my stone crab grabber and a spare rubber (in a sealed dark bag to keep sunlight from getting to it.) and will soon start carrying a small sealed 1st aid kit...am in the process of adding a spare speargun holder on one side and something to hold a couple shafts with on the other side.
hope this helps slightly
I'm working on a body board float so I can leave my kayak home when I dive some easy access spots, but I just use a boat fender that I bought from walmart. When I go to Pensacola I attach my
floatline to my diveflag buoy and hook my stringer to the buoy.I
leave my spare gear in the car cause i'm close by.The bodyboard floats let you carry more stuff which is why i'm making one.
Stretch! What's your stone crab grabber look like ? I seen a stone crab aweek a go that had allmost 4" claws.Hadn't seen any before but i'm going to keep and eye out for them from now on.
i use a OMER torpedo float. i have an extra rubber, and a carabiner from which i tether two extra guns if im going after groupers and spare tips, a whistle (for signaling boats or buddies), a bottle of gatorade and a flashlight.
Hey Sarge - I use a float that I made myself. It is torpedo shaped with a hole in one end. I attach a 10m line (quite thick cord/rope for better handling) with a cast iron window sash weight that I found on the end.

I find that the weight acts like an anchor (we have swift currents here and a 9m tidal range...) so you can leave it wedged in a rock and the float sits in the current - good for a breathe up and for aiming for once resurfaced.

About one metre below the float is a carabiner (straight, not screwlocked) which used to have a bag on it (the last bass split the bag I am happy to say :)) but now has a stringer on it.

I find that I can also use the float-weight for additional weight for stealth dropping. Just hold it and it carries you down without the need for finning (therefore less noise/ vibes inthe water).

A mate has a blow up/ inflatable Omer float with a diver down flag on it.

It is really really visible (larger and very obvious as to what it is - there was some confusion last month with my float and some windsurfers... but it was sorted out with speargun diplomacy).

Depends what you need to carry - we go out for around 2 hours and like to keep it minimal with gear in these tides.

Good luck - Ed

NOTHING!!!!! Thats precisely what i used to carry on my float. All that is needed is a stringer attached to one side and your floatline to the other.

Ruubers very seldom break, and even if it does, after you've put your spare one on, what do you do with the broken one?? Remember, its most likely your wishbone that'll break, so its still use-able.

The more things you add to your float, the more drag there is in the water.

Carry-ing some spare fresh water is a good idea, but on shore dives, you're very unlikely to be diving extensive periods, that'd dehydrate you.

Another item which you could attach is a set of pencil flares. Normally comes in a waterproof container. Could be very helpfull if you should need assistance!!

Another tip is that ORANGE'S are naturally waterproof. Throw some into a netting bag and attach to your float. Tastes yummy after a dive!!!!

Thanx guys, this has been very enlightening (and don't we all dive for Enlightenment?). I copied crotchtrout's link. It looks to be the complete bee's knees and will probably have one made up before the Spring dive season begins. Summer is coming to a close and I have to go back to yuck, I mean work! (sigh!)
The link Crotch trout posted is were most of us got the idea to make the body board floats from, Thanks Fuzz:)

I use waterproof bag as a float, can put keys and phones and what else into the bag while diving and make sure no one takes too much intrest in your belonings while you are diving.. I also have water bottle with.. but thats all..

The only thing that I don't like about those floats is the attachment point. It seems weak to me. If you use it for big fish such as wahoos or yellow fins, I think there is a possibility that that attachment point is going to be pulled out. What I did with my board is put a cable to four point (out of boat water drains)two near the rear and two up front. I then ran a cable through the drains and made a loop were the origial place for the lanyard (which serves also as the flagpole point of attachment). The fish therefore has to break the boogie board up into pieces before he can pull free.
My custom dive flag setup doubles as my spearfishing float.

Here's a link to a web page about my flag/ float. http://flshoredives.nexuswebs.net/bigflag.html

At this point I'm still into the "KISS" method. (keep it simple)

I use 40 feet of braided yellow poly rope (it floats) for my float line. Large saltwater snap swivels securely fastened to both ends of the float line make it easy to quickly attach/ detach the line. I attach my stringer to the bottom of the flag stick with a snap swivel and short piece of cord. A large size crab trap bouy used for the float allows for the added weight of fish on the stringer. A small waterproof box is clipped on at the float for my car key and my fishing licence.
I use a float which the lifegaurds on baywatch use!

I fitted it with carbina's to hold stuff on it and I attached a 2pound weight on one of the sides that it becomes stable!
its color is orange so its can be seen from a distance!!
I then took off the lifegaurds leash and fitted an omer 30m rope!

It works great!!!
ahalann said
i am 40 kilometers north from you in netanya city
some of my friends use boat-bumper or so called "fender"
me i am useing the same like yours a baywatch float red/orenge one
with floting 40 m line
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Freediver81 said:
I use a float which the lifegaurds on baywatch use!
...It works great!!!
Hi, seems like a good idea but where do you get the baywatch floats -- have not been able to find any on-line?
(Short of mugging Pamela Anderson :duh )
Those lifeguard floats should be available from police/fire dept. supply houses. Don't expect to find them cheap, either. All that official stuff is high dollar because it's mostly bought by governments.
i just wanted to show the float i use baywatch stile
and the floating cable


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