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My achin' back!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2001
Well, I believe I've overcome enough of that stupid back injury that helped me lose the Regionals last month.
For the last month, I have done no PB static attempts due to the injury, but today I felt as if I healed up enough to try. I have been swimmimg 4 hours a week through the whole injury, with no problems, but really missed running a lot, so in the last 5 days i have run 5km three times, including today.
For the last 10 days, I have done 3 sets of 2 breath-holds to 20 contractions every day. These are done with no breath-up, and only one exhale and inhale between the 2 holds.
I had done some yoga in the morning, before the run, then later on did some meditating, then started my breath-ups.
4 holds later, I hit 6:04, which is close to my PB of 6:20, so I'm ecstatic! I got my mojo back!:cool:
Please allow me to jump up and down now......thank you.
Nationals, here I come,
Erik Y.
congratulations on your quick recovery,

and on your awsome static times, damn you make my workout seem like an appetizer :duh

happy to know you healed well
I am Erik Woods.

You make sure you don't reinjure yourself clapping yourself on the back for your recovery. Get a hold of Bill, he's got a question about your favorite stuff.

BTW...For Hire: A 6'3" diving fanatic with morals and Karma. Will do anything for food. Inquire within.

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