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my first big fish

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New Member
Feb 2, 2004
I shot this 35 pound amberjack last weekend on scuba at the rigs in the gulf at 98 feet.


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Hey Big C good to see you back :)
I dont know who looks hapiest, you or the guy at the back ;) certainly not the AJ :)
Nice one mate :D
Congrats on your first big fish! Those conditions you guys dive in are certainly not ideal for any diver. That layered muck can sure provide a not-so-pristine environment to spear fish. Keep the images coming.:cool:
were heading out again this weekend. we are hoping that the river goes down so we can hit some blue water. haven't seen any blue water in 3 months. hoping for my first lemon fish this weekend as well as a bigger AJ so i can share him with some friends. you would not believe the meat i got off of the 35 pounder. some of the steaks were 3 inches! i am ready for another fight, bring on the big ones!
What is a lemon fish?

In this part of the world a lemon fish (Pez Limon) is the term used for a big amberjack.
To this point I have avoided the debates on freediving v. scuba. But come on... Just look at the smiling faces in that picture. An accomplishment, like anything else is relative. I'm sure that Rene Rojas and Jack Prodonavich would scoff at the 8lb tautog I bring up from 25' while freediving if they didn't start somewhere to.

It's not just about starting... it's taking things as far or short as you feel like. Being in the water and seeing huge skates and hearing shrimp popping on a reef are just as gratifying as bringing home fish. I know my first striped bass caught on spear was a great experience. I remember every detail, like reliveing high school sports triumphs, as if it were yesterday. It doesn't matter that it was the smallest one I've ever caught, but that 8lb fish means more to me that the 30lbs we catch 'at will' after years of practice and experimenation. The first time is when something unknown and uncalculated comes to fruition. That anticpation is what you can never get back after you've succeded too many times.

Don't chastise someone for fishing w/ live bait instead of a $12 Japanese lure, or using 30lb test when 8lbs will do. Don't condem the kid for trount fishing w/ worms on spinning tackle instead of using a 4 weight sage fly rod.

You know, the thing that makes spearfishing special is that it's a small group of people that do it. You hear the same names and see the same pictures of the same people. You know the hand full of guys who practice spearfishig in your area and you get to know them. It's old fashioned. Now I'm 25 but when I say old fashioned I mean in a community sense. People know you and you have a reputation and accountability. Beyond that you have a special bond with the sea and you cherish the oppurtunity to share that w/ others who 'know-first hand' what you talking about.

God forbid I'm in a bar and I meet somene else who spearfishes. Were going to close the place down talking about secert spots and stalking techinques and gear. Spearfishing is an integrating factor in a world of wal-marts and mcdonalds.

I mean were on a worldwide forum so we can divide into smaller groups of scuba v. free, american v. euro, euro. v. rail, but... if you met each other in the grocery store you'd have a special bond. I've met people from New Jersey to NorCal to Puerto Rico through spearfishing and I enjoy the time I spend w/ all of them regardless of wether there shooting carp or hunting tuna.

Nice catch
Originally posted by defofthecrown
To this point I have avoided the debates on freediving v. scuba. But come on... Just look at the smiling faces in that picture. An accomplishment, like anything else is relative. I'm sure that Rene Rojas and Jack Prodonavich would scoff at the 8lb tautog I bring up from 25' while freediving if they didn't start somewhere to.

It's not just about starting... it's taking things as far or short as you feel like. Being in the water and seeing huge skates and hearing shrimp popping on a reef are just as gratifying as bringing home fish. I know my first striped bass caught on spear was a great experience. I remember every detail, like reliveing high school sports triumphs, as if it were yesterday. It doesn't matter that it was the smallest one I've ever caught, but that 8lb fish means more to me that the 30lbs we catch 'at will' after years of practice and experimenation. The first time is when something unknown and uncalculated comes to fruition. That anticpation is what you can never get back after you've succeded too many times.

Don't chastise someone for fishing w/ live bait instead of a $12 Japanese lure, or using 30lb test when 8lbs will do. Don't condem the kid for trount fishing w/ worms on spinning tackle instead of using a 4 weight sage fly rod.

You know, the thing that makes spearfishing special is that it's a small group of people that do it. You hear the same names and see the same pictures of the same people. You know the hand full of guys who practice spearfishig in your area and you get to know them. It's old fashioned. Now I'm 25 but when I say old fashioned I mean in a community sense. People know you and you have a reputation and accountability. Beyond that you have a special bond with the sea and you cherish the oppurtunity to share that w/ others who 'know-first hand' what you talking about.

God forbid I'm in a bar and I meet somene else who spearfishes. Were going to close the place down talking about secert spots and stalking techinques and gear. Spearfishing is an integrating factor in a world of wal-marts and mcdonalds.

I mean were on a worldwide forum so we can divide into smaller groups of scuba v. free, american v. euro, euro. v. rail, but... if you met each other in the grocery store you'd have a special bond. I've met people from New Jersey to NorCal to Puerto Rico through spearfishing and I enjoy the time I spend w/ all of them regardless of wether there shooting carp or hunting tuna.

Nice catch

Preach on my spearo bro!!!

Couldn't have put it better myself & I'd be proud to dive with you any day ;)

Nice catch & congrats on such a nice first fish... my first fish was probably the size of its eye :(
hell of a fish!!! congrats on that and good luck to the future.

Keep having fun,
next trip will be 08/14/04. going out with Julio, hopefully we can get some good weather. i cant believe that we got a cold front in Louisiana in August. I haven't been out since 07/03/04. that's when i shot my first 2 amberjacks pictured on this thread. wish me luck, i will be shooting on scuba again, so be warned, i'm sure we can't wait to start this all over again this weekend. Big C.
cold front blew us out for 08/07/04, and the hurricanes kept us at the house on 08/04/04. It's been over a month and I am really itching to get back out. well, maybe 08/21? wish me luck!
Dont bet the house on next weekend. The next storm will be in the gulf with no freak cold front to push it to Florida:waterwork
you're right, weve canceled trips this mont on charters for 08/7, 08/14, and now it looks like we are going to be forced to cancel again for the boat we booked for this weekend the 21st. One thing for sure, there cant be another storm for the weekend of 08/28. After all, the rule is that the weather can only screw you 3 out of 4 weekends, right??? Then again, the rule is that cold fronts dont make it to Southern Louisiana twice in the month of August. Mother nature is breaking the rules it seems! Looks like another weekend with the wife. Yippiee!!!
In my country it's forbidden to hunt with scuba diving gear... Everyone in the spearfishing community agrees with this Law.

If the law agents find a speargun with scuba diving gear in the same boat... every piece of equipment will be apprehended including the boat, with no turning back...

It's a shame that this can't apply in every country...
In Portugal, the Acores, you can see for atleast 30 feet. Here in California you're lucky to be able to see past your hands. On a very good day maybe 20 feet. Still I prefer to go freediving for my seafood, but I don't take offense to those people who does scuba and spearfishing, they have other things to worry about like being entangled in kelp and running out of air, all in all it is more difficult environment than I remembered when I use to spearfish the European waters (Turkey, Spain, Acores-Portugal & Italy). Not to mention the bigger threat of being killed by unseen predators (White Sharks outside the kelp and makos by the rigs).
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how many more people are going to say the same thing? Here its legal, I used to do both but now I freedive mainly. It is impossible some days and I put on a tank. 80 miles is a long way to go offshore just to turn around and come home.

This is exactly why I got so irritated last time, its neverending. You have no idea of the diving conditions and apparently the local laws so why even comment?
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