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my first big fish

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Originally posted by rigdvr
"Gravedigger, when you dig my grave, can you make it shallow so that I can feel the rain?"
Dave Mathews band?
Freedive or scuba fishing is ok by me as long as you eat your catch and dont feed it to next doors cat!

check your PM....dont worry im not looking for another argument...
again and again.....

Mike things are little different here in europe so these comments are not for you guys. I know, may be they should state that they are talking for european conditions but you should learn not to take offense from it. Everytime everybody says same things and nobody wins anythings here, other then useless arguments

Congratas on the fish!!! Once you let the steel fly it becomes a addictive...

THe reason its out lawed in your country is bc. the law makers decided to blame spearfishermen for the fish being gone instead of the netters, longliners and people that grease their pockets. ANyone who enjoys and RESPECTS the resource should be allowed to responsably take a few fish for the dinner table by whatever means they like. Spearfishing has no bycatch and has an insignificant impact on the resource unlike what some would like to have lanlubbers belive. It would be wiser to Bann indiscriminant practices like netting, longlining instead of scapegotting the smallest sector of users and perpetuating misconceptions about where the fish went. Lets hope these things change bc in Florida the net bann has already had great positive effects and it would be a shame if it didn't serve as an example to further restric the commercial fleets that are allowed to carry on the rape in federal and international waters. Nature is resiliant and No one is more aware of and feels a stronger connection to the underwater world than the divers no matter what his prefference in gear. dive safe
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Don't worry about your catch, it is a nice fish . I do not want to polemic, I just say it is forbidden in France as an information .

No Worries
Re: question

Nature is resiliant and No one is more aware of and feels a stronger connection to the underwater world than the divers no matter what his prefference in gear. dive safe [/B][/QUOTE]

Very well put spearoo. Sums it up perfectly.
nuff said, lets end this thread so we can start on a positive note, hopefully with a nice pic from the upcoming dive trips. I am heading out on 08/28 and am hoping for another big fish. We went out this weekend, but only saw triggers. Great eating, but I am now hooked on the big fight. We also saw a few small lemons and snappers, but I let them swim away for next time. Hopefull I will be starting a thread next week titled: another big fish. we will see.
To me, spearfishing is about becoming an animal. Armed only with your primitive weapons (a modified crossbow) you enter a harsh world and hunt animals that are far more suited to the environment than you are when you capture one of these animals it makes the victory special because you have overcome the harsh environment on your own as a man (with the exceptions of fins and mask). I think with the scuba gear I would feel less like an animal hunting and animal and more like a man hunting an animal.

I say this with all respect for the scuba divers out there. I would actually like to descend to the water too deep to free dive, with tanks and hunt the deep bottoms I think it would be just as thrilling as free dive.spearing not to mention scary.
Originally posted by CCtrader
In my country it's forbidden to hunt with scuba diving gear... Everyone in the spearfishing community agrees with this Law....
It's a shame that this can't apply in every country...

Murat, this guy was talking about more than euro policies. Read that last sentance again. But I am done with these types of people so no more internet rage from me. They will never understand and arguing with them over the internet is like running in the special olympics, even if you win, youre still retarded....

Can I have an opinion? People are free to speak! I have always lived in a Country where this kind of hunting is illegal and very criticised; it doesn’t make any sense for me. Nevertheless, we are also in a process to try to simply forbid spearfishing in the country. It doesn’t make any sense for me, but it makes lots of sense to the “Green People”.

Traditional fisherman are always fighting spearfishers… Sometimes, there are guys running over us with boats, or from time to time, there is a guy throwing rocks from shore… For these guys, spearfishing should simply disappear.

To end…”You’re still retarded” if you can’t listen, respect and accept that others can have opinions.
hey man calm down a little...no need top get so worked up over nothing...take it down a notch or two..

you have different laws and so forth. in some places there are no laws regarding spearfisihng and in others there are so many that it makes it nearly impossible to spearfish.
Have a good trip Big C Looking forward to seeing the pics next week, Im in the same boat as you at the mo the weather is crap and the only way Im going to see a fish with the viz as it is, is if one comes along and taps on my mask lens ROLL ON SUMMER!!
Heading out with Julio again on the 28th. Hoping to see some big fish. We went out last weekend on my boat but only was triggerfish. I think the big fish are alot further out in the cooler water that I cant reach with my boat. hopefuylly we will see some big AJ's so I can get another shot. by the way, I will be shooting on scuba again, like everyone else down here, so be forewarned that any pics will be scuba pics.
Since we are chating about hunting on scuba... i have a few questions.

How do you guys manage the problem DEEP/TIME?

You can't be 50 minutes at 130ft and then spear a fish and swim fast to the surface... There are a few problems with that, if you now what i mean...
i am definately more greener than those people whoes speaks and do nothing. Since i am hunter (both underwater and upland) i respect to the nature and do my best to protect it coz i know if there is no nature there will be no hunt....

May be we should try to tell those things to the people who are against us instead of blaming scuba guys.
I was not saying YOU are retarted, I was saying that arguing over the internet is retarted. Like I said, we come from different areas and I have no clue about the type of diving you do and vise versa. There are definately situations I would never hunt on scuba in, such as in the clear calm, relatively shallow waters of the Florida Keys, but its simply not like that here.

As for the depth thing...not supposed to say this but a typical dive profile is short and deep. Using air I would drop to 200' and look around. If nothing down there was worth risking my life for you work your way back to the surface while looking. After a 5 min stop at 15' the total bottom time is only 8-10 min or so. This kind of diving is risky as there are severe entanglement hazards, big fish that will drag you into the depths, mississppi river murk that you cant see the end of your nose in, and the dangers of the deep itself. a rig hunters rig is similar to a freedivers breakaway. If the shot is poor and its time to go up, you can unclip the shooting line from the gun and tie it to a rig leg, go to the boat and come back to finish the fight on the next dive....not as easy as it sounds in 200' with very limited bottom time while your narked out and the sharks have come to look at the 100 pound aj going nuts tethered to the rig...

A typical rig will be in a depth from 150' to 600'. We might drop on 10-15 per diver if we are tournament hunting. Keep in mind that I havent done this type of diving in over 2 years(I enjoy my freediving these days but I do miss the bigger fish of the deep)
Reactions: mishu1984
I don't understant the debate, because is more difficult to catch fish with all those scuba noise.
Everytime we go spearfishing, those that go freediving catch better fishes.
The damage that a spearfisher can do (free-scuba) is minimal compare with a little net fishboat do.
Who fished or killed all the fishes in the MED?? SCUBA divers?? freedivers?? contamination??comercial fishers????
LOOK at the picture, this guy is very happy for a 35 pound fish, the biggest one in years.......so whats the problem, why this should be prohibited???
So go fishing, as you like, just have fun and do it with respect.
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