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My first homemade speargun!

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Ross H

New Member
Aug 2, 2005
Hi All,

Im am new to this site and indeed spearfishing. I found this site yesterday- and can only wish id found it before designing and making a spear gun, having never even seen a production gun up close to study!

Using the images of existing spearguns i found on the net I gradually built up the ideas and workings of "a" speargun. In the sea it has prooved itself very effective- first time out i had a 22" Bass, 3rd time a 20" bass....then some time off due to a bent spear that cost me many a good fish!

Have just been in with my new flopper barbed spear that I made and all is well with my 3rd bass! Chuffed!

So anyway, i thought I'd post some pics of the gun for 2 reasons, 1) Id love some feedback from people who know what's what about spear fishing, and 2) to share the trigger mech I came up with as i was not able to find any info on design/making a simple mech......even though i should really patent it (but havnt got time, capital, or inclination to!)

The Plan drawing of the mech (speargun6) shows the 1 peice trigger milled from a high grade aerospace ali alloy (as i couldnt find a peice of 5mm stainless). The actual shape differs to that show as things changed slightly during construction, but the principle still works the same. In practise it works beautifully, is really easy to fire and surprisingly quiet and light. The one reason it might not be comercially viable is that it requires a safety pin to be inserted after spear is locked in, and before loading the rubber band- this is an absolute must!! But once loaded safety can be removed and trigger holds perfectly.

Other than that,the overall barrel length is 90cm, the construction is Oroco wood handle and front end, 1" alli tube with a 1.5mm deep groove for spear, alli spear retaining plate and trigger, 17mm rubber, stainless 6mm spear with flopper barb (also home made).

Well thanks for reading that if you did, look forward to discussing it with any one interested.

Almost forgot, im based in Swansea, UK if anyone needs a snorkeling/fishing buddy- there's 3 of us so far!!


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Reactions: Alison
Hi Ross,

Welcome and well done....nice gun and good first fish.
Im based in Cardiff and fish in Pembs, and there are at least another 5-7 I know of Tenby/Pembs area..... Im a relative nubie with this being my first full season spearing an am not entertaining the idea of long breath holds and deep diving.......at least not yet!

Im no DIY gun expert unlike some here, I went down the off the peg route, but looking at your design i would recomend you check that ali trigger (spear catch) regularly until you track down some stainless. Others on this site may well correct me here but possibly you may want to make the point ahead of the flopper a little longer just so that you can sharpen it without reducing the length and getting too close to the flopper pivot...??? just a thought.....

North Wales here
Very cool! A welsh hybrid! have you seen Daryl Wongs hybrids? similar wood and metal construction.
Good effort Ross - building a gun from scratch is no mean feat without any plans etc. Most people buy a spear and trigger mech and then do the rest but you've done the lot. I'm based in Swansea too so maybe catch up some time - there a few guys that I go with but i've never seen anyone else. I'm off spearing now as it looks like last chance for a few days....
By the way get a trigger guard on there ASAP!
Very cool!

I would mirror the above and recomend a trigger gaurd.

well done!
Wow, thanks for yourquick responses guys and girls!

In Reply, Ben- yep have been keeping an eye on the trigger, it is tough enough (and over engineered enough) butthe contact point is already showing signs of wear- i have now got some stainless to play with though! And i agree with the spear thing, but i didnt even know if it would shoot straight- next one will be perfect!

And nice one guys about the trigger guard- i had this uneasy sense when using it- thats what it needed!!

Graham, where abouts do you go? So far we've had success at Penard and Caswell, but thats all we've tried.

Graham and Ben if youre heading out email is rosshead@europe.com and im always up for it- the other guys get hastle from their girl freinds- something about spending more time with other boys, spears and fish than them- jealousy is a bad thing!!
Ross H said:
the other guys get hastle from their girl freinds- something about spending more time with other boys, spears and fish than them- jealousy is a bad thing!!
Time to find a girlfriend that spearfishes?
Good work Ross...allways respect the handcraft skills posted on here.

P.S I'm sure you'll find some action with Graham. He's a good bass killer.
Alison said:
Time to find a girlfriend that spearfishes?

Ha Ha, if there were more girls with that attitude the world would be a better place!!
Dont know about that but then I dont know a single girl (personally and other than me) that spearfishes I have tried to convert some of the wives and girlfreinds of our freinds but to no avail
Alison said:
Dont know about that but then I dont know a single girl (personally and other than me) that spearfishes I have tried to convert some of the wives and girlfreinds of our freinds but to no avail

...to 'handcraft' or 'spearfishing' Alison?
Hey you two- not on my thread! :naughty Im a nubie here, you'll warp my fragile little mind! And I thought we were just here to talk spearfishing!!

Maybe I'll go start a new thread in the Beach Bar called "Handcraft, spearguns and baby oil" and we'll continue this there?!! lol rofl
Ross H said:
Hey you two- not on my thread! :naughty Im a nubie here, you'll warp my fragile little mind! And I thought we were just here to talk spearfishing!!

From what I've seen from my short time on here (Sara and Alison..etc.) you can't help but slip on some of the spilt baby oil left lying around...rofl
Quite right Ross, these forums shoud be nice and wholesome like Blue Peter - not some late night filth! Here's one I oiled up - er - I mean - made earlier doh! now you got me doing it...

Where was I, Ah yes, Penard (Hunts Bay or nearer Three Cliffs?) and Caswell are good spots - and there are a couple of spots down the gower that are good too but you don't need to be a rocket scientist to work out where they are if you know the area! Oxwich can sometimes be clear if everywhere else is murky - I'll drop you an e-mail next time I'm going. cheers Graham
Thanks for all your comments and notes of support guys- its nice to know that my design appears to be "usable"! I am sorting out a trigger guard today, safety safety!

Graham- Ive been heading to the end carpark by the roundabout in penard and walking straight down the hill to the water, its always been my favourite quiet spot on the gower (although not so quiet anymore, its still less busy than other palces) then drifting round in the current to Bacon hole cave and back again.

Fish Tale- thanks also for the support- yours is one of the web sites i studied for homemade trigger ideas.......recognise the safety pin on my speargun?!

Although I set out to make (instead of buy) a speargun to save cash its was as much for the pleasure and fun of making something that you can then go out and use and for the design challenge of making something safe, strong and reliable enough to work every time.

......now I just need ot work on my aim!
The simple pin safety through the handle works great with our designs ! I really like being able to feel the safety in my grip and knowing that if I feel it- the safety is engaged. When I find a fish that I want to shoot I pull the pin and let it dangle from it's cord as I work the fish for a good shot. I put the pin back in to reload the bands. It's a good system that can be trusted.

a bit late on this thread...

Hi all, like Ross i'm a newbie to the site and to spearfishing. I started fishing with ross a few weeks ago, although i had a bit of practice in oz a few years back, and like him am hooked. I am currently using a 6ft polespear, which has been great fun and bagged me a few bass (3 all isn't it ross). Although theres been quite a few occasions where i wish i had the range of a gun, i like the simplicity of the polespear. There seems to be so much to learn about this sport and i will definitely be using this site for a few questions - and to pick grahams brain about the gower...

Hi Trindo Welcome to DB by the way
You use a pole spear in Wales?? Wow Im impressed Have you got any piccies?
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