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My leeder fins after 8 years need change

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Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2010
I have old leader fin blades fiber glass and installed them in omer pockets . I did see wep site is change fins4u looks much different like different company UK it was Estonia
I would like to bay carbon fins my budget max £260
But I worry to bay wrong ones I don't want to get with narrow foot pockets fins because my feet wider not narrow. My shoes size 44 an i like 5-7MM socks I did look for evolution pure carbon please any advice [emoji120] chusing carbon fins

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Why don't you get another pair of Leaderfins? They now make pure carbon and are very good. You can keep your footpockets if you want, but their new Fora footpockets are very light and comfortable.
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After thinking waching videos I did as you said I bought new beautiful pure carbon fins i can't wait than I will try on for spearfishing

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