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My new guns arrive this weekend!!!

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I had a bit of difficulty loading my gun when I first got it, it's a 1300 Caranx. I made a small loading pad based on the recommendations of Mr. X. The pad really helped at first. I just followed the method outlined on the Rob Allen website.
You have to stretch the band a bit before you will be able to place the grip into your upper stomach area, then pulling the band the rest of the way is no problem.
After getting the technique down, I no longer need the loading pad. I've toughened up a bit I quess.
I've been getting plenty of loading practice by missing fish:D It's part of the program I've developed in order to become proficient at pulling bands.;)
have fun with your new guns.
I'm curious if over time you'll end up developing a preference for either the double or single band gun. Keep us posted.

Take care,
Wind has got to be the worst thing invented lol
Always seems to come at the wrong time :(
As far as the preference goes atm I like the Caranx but I think when I start to do some deeper water stuff and maybe start shooting at some Tuna I think I'll like the power of the bigger gun. However as far as deep water stuff goes I'm a little scared to venture too far off the beach down south as the water is cold and as I understand those big sharp toothed critta's - I think you guys all refer to them as Great Whites - like the colder water. Don't get me wrong sharks are beautiful but the second I see one of those babies I'm getting straight back in the boat!!!!!

Anyhoo back to the guns and the wind, yeh wind sucks, A few weeks ago I drove 2.5hours to a mates beach house to go for my first proper dive and spearfish and we woke up at 8am and it was dead calm! so we had breaky his dad filled the boat up with some petrol and we were on our way to the inlet by 9ish, however by that stage the wind was romping and we couldn't get out of the inlet so we caught some KGW on rods.
However this Friday being ANZAC Day we all have the day off work so weather permitting we'll take an hour drive or there abouts and head off to either a back beach or some where in western port bay. Heard some stories bout seven gilled sharks being caught off flinders so there must be some nice fish around to keep them interested!!
Well according to google they get pretty agressive when provoked so if I see any I might think twice about prodding them with my spear tip, especially since it's a tri-cut job and would probably irritate the hell outta the shark if I did. I like my limbs attached the way they are! only been like 2 or 3 reported attacks on humans but for the most part I don't think they'd bother a diver in the ocean. The other attacks were on divers when the sharks were in captivity so I think I might be right. They can get kinda large though up to 3m so If I see one that big I believe I'll be getting out of the water!
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Reactions: Mongrel454
So Newbie have you speared one yet and if not promise you'll change your tag line on profile. I'm routing for you. I remember wiating for my first succeseful hunt. The first fish I ever poked with my sharp stick was a fish head which snuck up on me in a channel. I just had to practice, LOL
Newbie_spearo;I'm not by any means a small kid.[/quote said:
Haha I should probably stop referring to myself as a kid, I know I still feel like I'm the same size I was in grade 7 but I'm pretty sure I've grown just a bit! :D

Hey if any of the moderators are reading this: What happened to the smiley that rolls around laughing? He isn't on the smiles pagey thing that comes up when you click more?
:D:D:D:D I took the advice from a few of the other posts about hardening up and loading the gun with out a chest pad, and well lets just say I have a few bruises:waterwork A few more weeks and I'll be right, I'll probably have a customised loading pad; A chest Calous, haha! Check out the guns....NICE!!!!

Caranx Muzzle.jpg RA Caranx.jpg 2 guns.jpg

Tuna muzzle.jpg RA Tuna.jpg
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That could be for 1 of 3 reasons? Either I'm damn good with a camera, or I'm a wiz on photo shop, or now listen carefully coz I'm only going to say this once! I haven't got them wet yet, apart from the tear I shed when they arrived, so technicaly speaking they have seen salt water rofl
And I've heard all the jokes about not getting things wet so no need to make anymore, haha :p However I plan to keep them in the best possible condition so expect to see them looking as good as new in 12 months time!!!
Sweet guns mate, but yes they are WAY to CLEAN...Get those bad boys wet and slimed up PRONTO rofl
And ANZAC Day will soon be upon us.....You're thinking what the hell does that mean? Well my guns get christened tomorrow and I hope to have some photo's to show:D Not sure what's out there but the weather has been perfect all week and the morning is supposed to be calm so hopefully the viz will be good. pics tomorrow night!

Goodluck mate, if you catch anyting decent can i come over for dinner? :)
Dude! They're sweet! I have the 120 tuna......I kept one band at 20.....and then put a second 16 mm 6" shorter......it shoots like a dream.....or rather like a "beast" :D:D.....Mate, if you get the right wetsuit, it comes with a pad in the chest already:martial.........

*The Beast*
Hey fella's,

Unfortunately the fish decided it was too cold to play? or something along those lines. I shot a small wrasse, but he was that small when I actually pulled him outta the water that I set him free. He lived to tell the tale, unfortunaely I'm not sure how long for as there was a nice ray in the area and he was having a feed. However I did see some trevally, but they were so skittish that after the first shot I fired and missed they all decided it was time to Adios! My mate shot a blue throat wrasse and had him in the bag and then as we were getting out the water he pulled it out the bag to sho me and asked my other mate to grab it and it slipped out his hands and got away.:head On the subject of the water temp, I think freezing didn't quite describe it! we spent almost 2.5hours in the water and by the end of it all I was shivering like a Jamaican in the south pole. Had fun though, it was fairly calm and I don't think we could have had better weather for it(apart form the water temp) No pics Sorry
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Not good enough mate..get your frozen ass back in there and catch me some DINNER rofl rofl

Dont stress about the fish, there is always tomorow and sunday if your wife will let you.....
roflHA WIFEroflLike I'm silly enough to get one of them, HAHA. Can't sunday and tomorrow the weather is gonna be crap. Plus it's only 2 weeks till the wetty arrives, so I think I can wait till i get that and it's more comfortable. That or I'll get my mate to take the boat out so I can jump back in and catch some rays to warm me back up just to go jump back in and freeze the crown jewels off again:D
LOL wifes arent as bad as some people say rofl

p.s. (Shot a smal fish user) hahaha i like it :)
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