Well, this seemed like the most suitable place to post this, but I could be wrong so I apologize ahead of time. I wanted anyone who either drives a boat or dives where possible boat traffic will be and to me the most suitable ears would be thoughs of a Spearo!
Last year in the beginning of december a friend and I ventured out to one of our favorite dive spots. We jumped in the water off of a beach on west Maui and swam out to a drop off about 1/4 mile off of shore (~300+Meters) This drop off started in about 60ft of water and quickly drops off to around 120 feet or more. It produces many pelagics as well as some good bottom fish. This particular day was during a New Moon so we were targeting Uku (Green Jobfish). Up until this date this dive was one of my best. I shot 4 nice Uku all over 8lbs and one murph of about 12lbs.
It was getting a little late so we decided to head in. The sun was still high in the sky and we had at least another hour of daylight but as we had plenty of fish I didnt want to get too greedy.
We started the long swim back to the beach and as we got to about the half way point ( not too far outside the no swim zone buoy) I noticed a boat heading in our direction. I took note and kept swimming on my way (Keep in mind that both my buddy and I have the proper floats with diver down flags attached. My buddy has actually been run over by boats on 7 different occasions two of which he had his gun and float ripped out of his hand so he is extremely paranoid. His dive float is a boogie board with a 3ft tall pole with 2 flags mounted on top.)
After a few kicks I poked my head out of the water again to see the progress of this boat. This time I noticed that it was a lot closer and hauling A$$. I got my buddy's attention and we both stopped swimming and began waving our hands and guns in the air. The boat just kept bearing down on us showing no signs of slowing down or turning. As it got closer I noticed that there were about 5 people on board and a woman was driving (not that sex is an issue but she was looking the other way
As the boat approached within 50 ft. it was heading straight for my buddy who was getting ready to dive. He was about 20 feet away from me at a right angle to the boats approach. As the boat got within 20 ft the lady finally turned around and saw him just as his fins are slipping below the water. So what does she do?...SHE TURNS THE BOAT STRAIGHT INTO ME!...To this day I dont know how or why I reacted so quickly. I imagine it must have looked like a scene from the Matrix
Or a frog turned on his back but SOME HOW I was able to push myself back under water. As my face was still pointing up, I was able to see the keel of the boat pass over my mask no more than 2 inches away. I got sucked up in the wash and all...Wait a minute...Im still in one piece. I quickly checked myself for cuts, protruding bones, intestines hanging out, I was prepared for the worst but didnt have a scratch on me. What the?...the only reason that I am telling this story today is because that boat was a jet boat (impeller). There is no doubt in my mind that had that boat had a prob I would be dead, done, "make"(hawaiian for dead),:hungover!
My brief moment of euphoria from still being alive was soon replaced by a rage that I have never felt before:vangry. I was screaming and yelling... and probably said every curse word known to man.
The boat didnt even slow down until it was a good 100 meters away from us. It stopped for a moment (So I knew they knew what had happened) I could see the people talking and nervously glancing back at us as we started swimming towards the boat. what did they do next?... THEY SPED OFF!!! Didnt even come to see if we were OK.
Where do people like this come from? How is it that people with such a blatant disregard for safety and concern for others even survive in this world?
Anyway, the reason I posted this was in hopes to share some awareness. I know that anyone driving boats that read this forum are divers so I can only assume you all know the importance of safety while boating. And for those of you just doing shore dives.. be aware. Dont assume that boats see you (even if you have a 2ft tall flag!). And last, though I was unable to do this at the time (as I was unable to get the reg numbers and name of the boat, and when we went to the boat ramp they had either already left or didnt bother coming back), report these incidents to authorities. Even if you do escape the incident w/out harm, the next guy might not be so lucky.
Ok end of rant, Dive safe...Drive safe... Aloha!
Last year in the beginning of december a friend and I ventured out to one of our favorite dive spots. We jumped in the water off of a beach on west Maui and swam out to a drop off about 1/4 mile off of shore (~300+Meters) This drop off started in about 60ft of water and quickly drops off to around 120 feet or more. It produces many pelagics as well as some good bottom fish. This particular day was during a New Moon so we were targeting Uku (Green Jobfish). Up until this date this dive was one of my best. I shot 4 nice Uku all over 8lbs and one murph of about 12lbs.
It was getting a little late so we decided to head in. The sun was still high in the sky and we had at least another hour of daylight but as we had plenty of fish I didnt want to get too greedy.
We started the long swim back to the beach and as we got to about the half way point ( not too far outside the no swim zone buoy) I noticed a boat heading in our direction. I took note and kept swimming on my way (Keep in mind that both my buddy and I have the proper floats with diver down flags attached. My buddy has actually been run over by boats on 7 different occasions two of which he had his gun and float ripped out of his hand so he is extremely paranoid. His dive float is a boogie board with a 3ft tall pole with 2 flags mounted on top.)
After a few kicks I poked my head out of the water again to see the progress of this boat. This time I noticed that it was a lot closer and hauling A$$. I got my buddy's attention and we both stopped swimming and began waving our hands and guns in the air. The boat just kept bearing down on us showing no signs of slowing down or turning. As it got closer I noticed that there were about 5 people on board and a woman was driving (not that sex is an issue but she was looking the other way
As the boat approached within 50 ft. it was heading straight for my buddy who was getting ready to dive. He was about 20 feet away from me at a right angle to the boats approach. As the boat got within 20 ft the lady finally turned around and saw him just as his fins are slipping below the water. So what does she do?...SHE TURNS THE BOAT STRAIGHT INTO ME!...To this day I dont know how or why I reacted so quickly. I imagine it must have looked like a scene from the Matrix
My brief moment of euphoria from still being alive was soon replaced by a rage that I have never felt before:vangry. I was screaming and yelling... and probably said every curse word known to man.
The boat didnt even slow down until it was a good 100 meters away from us. It stopped for a moment (So I knew they knew what had happened) I could see the people talking and nervously glancing back at us as we started swimming towards the boat. what did they do next?... THEY SPED OFF!!! Didnt even come to see if we were OK.
Where do people like this come from? How is it that people with such a blatant disregard for safety and concern for others even survive in this world?
Anyway, the reason I posted this was in hopes to share some awareness. I know that anyone driving boats that read this forum are divers so I can only assume you all know the importance of safety while boating. And for those of you just doing shore dives.. be aware. Dont assume that boats see you (even if you have a 2ft tall flag!). And last, though I was unable to do this at the time (as I was unable to get the reg numbers and name of the boat, and when we went to the boat ramp they had either already left or didnt bother coming back), report these incidents to authorities. Even if you do escape the incident w/out harm, the next guy might not be so lucky.
Ok end of rant, Dive safe...Drive safe... Aloha!