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need breath holding techniques please!!!!!!!

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New Member
Jul 27, 2003
Hey can you guys tell me what you think the best exercises for long breath holding are? Also can u say how to do it and if you have any pictures explaining it that would also be great. Please help me!!!
p.s. how long do u think it would take me to hold my breath longer and how long could i hold it if i did these exercises??? i can currently hold it for about 1 30.
please dont insult me people!!!!! i just want some help:)
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apnea training

Welcome to the forum, adog. Its like anything else, do it a lot and you will get a lot better. For more detail, use the search function for apnea tables. That will lead you to a wealth of stuff, or just look through the threads under training for even more. Good luck.
yes but...

can u just tell me the names of what i should do to get alot better... i did look and really came up with nothing
ps do u approve of air packing????

Hello and welcome,

the fist thing you need to do is chill, it may sound condasenting (excuse spelling), but to do you best times you need to relax! That is the most important thing. The next is to enjoy it, becuase if you don't you woun't do the next thing! Practice, it doesn't make too much difference at the beginning what method you use, an ounce of practice is better than tonnes of theory!!!

Though two tips, firstly you will find that you will do you best time on about your fourth or fifth hold of the seasion. Secondly, breath in a relaxed manor between holds for a few minutes. You would have found these out youself, but it my have taken some time, it took me a few years to work that out.

As you practice more you intuatively develop your own style, which is more important than trying to mimic someone elses, as their's may not suit you.

With regards to packing, myself I don't do it, beacuse at the moment I don't see the need for it just yet! As I haven't found my limit. When I get to the limit then I may use packing to overcome it.

So to recap the main points:

1) Relax
2) Enjoy it
3) Practice
4) Develop an understanding of you and your body

This is from my own experience and just a little anecdote, I achieved my best dry static time about a year before I discovered freediving and after nearly two years of freediving I have come close, but haven't betten it! Mainly because I enjoy other things to do with freediving, I don't enjoy static so I don't practice it enough.

to answer your question on how long you will be able to hold you breath for:

It depends on how far you take it, you can always get better with practice.

Play with it and have fun


best dry static time: 6min39sec

hey thanks u guys so far... but is when you breath like that for a few min. before a dive called a breathup?
Originally posted by adog4305
please dont insult me people!!!!! i just want some help:)

Nobody is going to insult you, relax ;).
First thing you have to do is ask yourself how badly you want to train statics because it's not something you train over the night and next day you are the best.
*Then get some O2/CO2 tables. Practise them in the morning.
*Get in Pranayama - it's a breathing technique and it's good for relax.
That's for start, let us know how are you doing and be [uporan].
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Yeh i really want to do this... I dont care if it takes up for a year to get it right, i just wanna get started asap. Hey i do co2 charts but what are o2 charts and where can i get them.
In CO2 tables you decrease pause time while breath holding time remains the same

In O2 tables you increase breath holding time while pause remains the same

You can make them by your self. Start with your own times and increase them the way you want.
You can also download the tables at but i thing there is something wrong with the timer so after a few rounds they dont show the correct time....
what kind of CO2 tables do you do?
What are your times?

hey mlaen,
i got the co2 tables from that site and they work quite well. My times are breath hold of 1:10 and i decrese rest time by 7 seconds from 60 everytime till i hit 15. Do these help me any well because i just started them yesterday. If they do work how long do you think it will take till I see results?
1:40 breath holds
thanks alot

1:30 is good for a start...
you should do 1:40 in a week... The progress at the start is very huge (usualy) then it gets smaller and smaller.
I personaly don't use any tables but if they help you use them.

You will also notice that you will get better resaults if you do static in the morning on an empty stomach.

and as previosly said the main thing is to relax :) (at the begining)
later it gets more complicated (proper nutrition -- lots of experiments, packing ...).

And yeah i almoust forrgot... your motivation is very important... maybe not so important now but when your times gets longer you will see it can get really boring (and that is when your motivation comes in place).

Good luck

If they do work how long do you think it will take till I see results?

I started with tables 2 week ago with CO2 tables and now I'm on O2 tables. Before i started with tables it was difficult for me to hit 1.40 and now a few days ago i hit 3:00 with only 10 contracions.
Maybe you won't see the results so fast;maybe you will but important thing is not to give up!
Regarding tables from

Edit file with notepad.

It should start something like this:

// Global settings
var dly = 1000; //the timing delay MAY NEED ADJUSTING
var intro = 120; //the introductory value for each table

Timing delay (var dly=1000) adjustment depends on your system. You can change this and check it with stopwatch.

You can also change other parameters (times in between breathholds etc.).


Hey thanks you guys with the advice. Hey i have always heard of static and to do it in the morning. I know this may sound dumb but what is it?:duh. Also your just saying to do the co2 tables and i should be good? Or what else do you guys think i should do?
thanks alot
p.s. how many times a day should i do the co2 tables i am willing to do them 2 times a day, also do u think apnea walking is good
aim sn- adog4305 im meeee
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also when ur holding ur breath for the co2 tables, near the end of it are you like running around because u really need to take a breath or are you calm and just take it. I cant help it but to move around sometimes.:head
walk apnea is good; stair apnea is also good; do O2 tables one week and another week CO2 tables; do them ONCE a day; make sure you REST. I rest every 4th day.
aadog, the relax and enjoyablebility on what you are doing is for me the key, ago I was in a swimingpool with family and my brother and a cousin were doing breath holding contest they both did one inmersion witout notice that I was still down inside the swimmingpool, because I was waiting for them to tell me that the one minute has passed, so I get out and tell them is the minute had passed, for our sorprise almost 3 minutes had passed ( my sorprise was great ), so that night I did it 3 times more and my record is 0:03:45. I was complity relaxed and happy, ah I noticed that these day I didn't eat too much, just a little.
I saw on a youtube video a person holding his breath for seven minuts, is incredible what you can afford with practice, good look and don't do it alone.
I've been reading all over this forum on training and technique. I've learned alot and made some improvements. When I first started about a year ago my static was about 2 min. I've done the tables and apnea walks. Until about 2 weeks ago, I was afraid to let the contractions start. Finally, I just relaxed and let them come. It was extremely uncomfortable for the last 30-45 secs before they began, but once they did, time seemed to fly and I was able to do 4 min.

I've watched video of people doing statics in the pool and see them convulsing. My question is, on long pool dynamics or deep dives, do you get these heavy contractions and just keep pushing? It seems kinda spooky. - The Worlds Largest Community Dedicated To Freediving, Scuba Diving and Spearfishing


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