looking for advice from experienced divers. Issue at hand:
Will 5mm neopren be enough for short swims in cold (5-10 °C) waters?
Need to work on swimming technique, to meet certain physical requirements. I am a swimmer, but training is needed. Covid has all pools closed in my country (CZ), no chance of opening up soon. Test is in two months.
Swimming outside possible. Waters around 5 °C, thats kind of cold, I cant do more than 4-6 minutes bare skin in that. Thats too short for efficient training.
Two months until the test - thinking about getting a neopren suit to help with the cold. I dont need to stay in cold water indefinitely - 20 minutes would be at least something, 60 minutes would be gold. Do you think this is a viable solution? How thick does the neopren need to be?
Appreciate any answers or tips, I dont know any divers personally.
Got into this mess myself. I knew the swim test was coming since last summer (pools still opened back then), should have trained sooner.
looking for advice from experienced divers. Issue at hand:
Will 5mm neopren be enough for short swims in cold (5-10 °C) waters?
Need to work on swimming technique, to meet certain physical requirements. I am a swimmer, but training is needed. Covid has all pools closed in my country (CZ), no chance of opening up soon. Test is in two months.
Swimming outside possible. Waters around 5 °C, thats kind of cold, I cant do more than 4-6 minutes bare skin in that. Thats too short for efficient training.
Two months until the test - thinking about getting a neopren suit to help with the cold. I dont need to stay in cold water indefinitely - 20 minutes would be at least something, 60 minutes would be gold. Do you think this is a viable solution? How thick does the neopren need to be?
Appreciate any answers or tips, I dont know any divers personally.
Got into this mess myself. I knew the swim test was coming since last summer (pools still opened back then), should have trained sooner.