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Networking your way to better skills.

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Just visiting...
Aug 26, 2001
Networking your way to better your skills.

Hey everyone,

Networking within our group(entire breathhold spearfishing community) has been the best source of information for me. I have gained more knowledge from just listening(reading) what people have to say about various techniques, equipment, styles and training. I think I have done a good job for myself in pooling a lot of good thoughts together and putting them into action. But, I will always think that there will forever be room for improvement, no matter what level I'm at. There will always be someone that will be able to introduce something that I never considered. I think it's these things that have the potential to keep your skills honed, humbled and respected.

What I'd like to do is invite everyone here to express their interests in areas they'd like to become more proficient at. In response to these posts, I'd also like to invite others that consider themselves to have some personal and/or pertinent information that could help the "poster" in these situations to open a new thread on it for further discussion. (maybe put a link to it or something in this thread).

These questions can range from fish migration to blister cures for your footpockets. Even boat handling or the handling of your catch. If you need an answer to something, post the q here and see where it goes. I just think this thread could act as an "index page" for everyone weather you're a member or not.

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As an example...

I've always been curious as to what's the best snorkel for me. i.e. simple, complex, short, long, large or narrow bore size, etc.


Wetsuit Chaffing

After diving for 5 hrs in the NSW State Titles the back of my knees are rubbed raw. I have another 6 hours of diving ahead of me tommorow. Anyone know how to fix it? Or at least arrange it so I wont be in pain for all 6hrs...:(

edit: and congrats to Paul Rosso, who leads after day 1. :)
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How about LOW wiz hunting...

I have gone hunting couple of times thinking that the water was ok.. about 4-5m wiz, and then found out that actually I can barely see my speartip.

so question goes: Is there atechnique for hunting in low wiz conditions, or should I as I have done just get out and go home when the speartip is the furthest point I can focus on under water?

thanks before hand

and safe diving Pekka
for me its just what anderson said networking.
getting a group of four to six people together on short notice that like to freedive and hunt as much as me, sometimes is tough. And as we all know spearfishing is dangerous and having a dependable buddy is a big part of how safe and enjoyble the whole experinece is. not to mention sharing the expense and clean up duty involved in a day on the water. Like Anderson said learning from other divers is the best way to improve. I have made several outstading friends and dive buddies in this way. As spearfishers we are a fairly small band and unless you are willing to join a club and deal with all the beourocracy involved places like this page are a godsend for those who want to hone their skills in a timeless sport with surprisingly limited sources of good info. Another great thing is the ability to unity and fight those who would like to see us stopped from ever getting our seafood in this selective manner so they themselves can rape the sea.
well I think thats enough...
great thread Anderson
pekka. from my limited experience, I seen some nice fish landed in less than ideal conditions, Low viz hunting is tough, and sometimes impossible, It tests your senses to the max, since the fish will also be caugth off guard and many time you will hear the fish although you never even saw it. but sometimes they hear or see you comming so it has its pluses, one thing you might want to do is get a very short gun for days like that, bc it is very hard to get a shot in these conditions being able to swing the gun fast is essential.
you never know till you go
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