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New computers

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Grand Marshal
Dec 19, 2001
Some small info about dive computers that soon will hit us all with joy; they will be showed at DEMA but I don’t know when they will be in the store.

MARES will come out with a new freediving computer, the first one since the legend Apneist. The new model is called Nemo Apneist and will not only be good looking but also have smart software. How smart is something we will explore later, but we could hope it will have the same boom around freedivers as they had when they released the Apneist back in 1998.

SUUNTO will always be close to us freedivers. This far it’s more or less because of the famous D3, a computer that you now can get for 170 euro’s or less if you digging a little. Suunto had some small problems with lemons’ here, but the D3 is cheap and it does the job down to 99 meter. NOW at DEMA 2007 Suunto will release the new D4, a computer that will mainly replays the Mosquito (?), but though I have tested the software I think it will replays the D3 as well. The case is brand new, and the software is better than ever. They have a new depth sensor that is not only surprisingly quick, it is also very accurate. The D4 will also contain a superb Scuba computer that even covers Nitrox, of course.

UWATEC should have their freedive version of the Galileo ready by now, a sophisticated computer that also includes a heart rate monitor. BUT I have no deeper information about this; maybe Sebastien Murat could tell us more about this?

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Nice, I believe the next thing on my list of equipment would be a freediving computer. Good timing for me I guess... Hopefully some good reviews and good things can be said about these new products.

Thanks for the info :)
Thanks for the link sanso... that Immersion Prowler looks pretty spiffy :).
Has anybody some details about the new Mares Nemo Excel? Just found out about it (mainly because of the picture of it on DB frontpage), but there are very few details available. I have the old Nemo, and it would be the ideal freedive computer (I'm addicted to depth interval alarm :t), if it had improved logging abilities in free mode. If anybody knows the details on the new model, especially about the logging in free mode, please share your info.
My hubby and I are quite happy with our Oceanic Geos. As a technical diver, I love the enriched air function...as a freediver, I love the 1-second sampling. The only drawback to this watch is that you can only access your last freedive from the watch. The others must be uploaded to a computer for later review. The graphs rock for all functions!
I'd feel guilty about deserting my D3 but are any of the new computers MAC compatible?
Looks pretty spiffy, though price tag would be significant i'd bet.
If anyone sees the D4 at DEMA, could you inquire about its price (even if just relative to the other models if they won't give you a real number). Thanks.
I am trying to decide if I should wait for the D4 or let my wife get me the D3 for christmas (she already said she would). All I do is freedive & spear, so I don't really need the scuba functions but the D4 does look more durable (glass face) and aesthetically pleasing, so I could actually wear it to work, but is it worth the price?
I agree about the D4 looking better. The blue D3 looks like a toy company did the styling. The orange one just looks naff.(I have the orange one. I got it as a replacement when the blue one failed under guarantee).
Also the plastic face gets scratched on rocks really easily. If you use the protector and any grit or sand gets under it, that scratches it badly too. I don't know why they couldn't have used glass in the first place.
Anyone know what the battery's like to change in the D4? Has it still got the flimsy foil contacts?
While we're talking freedive computers does anyone know why Eric Fattahs F1 is no longer produced? I was hoping the price might drop a little after a while, but instead it seemed to turn into a scuba/freedive combination at an even stupider price. Shame about that. Although it was too big for a watch it seemed to have everything a freedive computer needed.
Anyone have a price on the D4? I need to know how much to sock away haha :).
the D4 spec. list is a big dissapointment for me, and a freaky merging (confusion) by their product department. It looks more like a D3 + Mosquito + cool case/screen.

The ONLY advantage i can see is smoother curves due to 3 seconds/sample.

I bought a used Mosquito on ebay for US$250 and won't be upgrading.

Trux had published some cool "wish list" upgrade recommendations but no one at suunto appeared to listen. Kinda funny launching a "new product" without taking feedback from the relatively small freedive community. I'm sure 95% of their target sales and sales pitch is for scubbies.

My wish list:
- surface time alarms settable at multiple of down time (for example 2x)
- alarms that you could actuals feel or see underwater (actual ones are useless)
- (not watch but Dive Manager) software to observe progress:
i. view all days dives on one axis to observe dive reflex reaction
ii. view a periods dives over time to view performance increases in depth/time/DR
Can I ask again what happened to the F1?
Why was it replaced with a scuba diving computer which I can't afford and don't need?

The F1 was phased out simply because the freediving market just wasn't there to support it. I can tell you that it and the X1 are both still better than any freediving computer I've ever tried and likely will ever try. Few freedivers are willing to pay more than 500 for a diving computer, but to build an F1/X1 simply costs too much money to sell it at that price. I know that the original goal was to make an affordable freediving computer, and maybe someday that will happen when Liquivision has grown and can mass produce computers, which may come sooner than later.

And the F1/X1 is not bulky. That's a popular misconception. Yes, it looks big on the website. But when you're 40m down on a recreational dive, and it's dark, and the OLED is glowing so brightly that it actually acts as a light source to illuminate the wall you're diving along, you realize other computers just don't cut it. I dive with it without fins and it never gets in the way. The whole point of it is it's not a watch, it's a computer.

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