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New computers

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
Thanks for your reply Pete. It's still the computer I aspire to own.
Maybe one will come up secondhand sometime!
I have an F1 with all the accesories for sale for $350 Euro - excellent condition
I know that the original goal was to make an affordable freediving computer, and maybe someday that will happen when Liquivision has grown and can mass produce computers, which may come sooner than later.

I hope so, it will happen soon. Good luck for it!
I have an F1 with all the accesories for sale for $350 Euro - excellent condition

So - dollars or Euro? But good price anyway. I will ask some my friends if they want it (I have bougt X1) :)

I am very tempted to buy that thing off You, but atm, I think that a better computer won't make me a better diver... being rational sucks. :head :D
Does anyone know of any simple computers for under $200, I am just looking for something simple that's going to to tell me the depth I reached and my bottom time, and store a few of those data sets in memory. Surely all the Suunto computers are very nice but I don't do enough scuba anymore to spend all that cash on an all-out diving computer...
In Dahab, You can get the d3 for <180€ - With appropriate haggling and the d4 coming out, the deals might get even better. :)
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