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New Pending World Record Hogfish

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rofl rofl rofl well I'd rather eat out than cook it myself I'll admit :yack
Mark Laboccetta said:
Hey hey there! Look who's back, one of the "pioneer charter members" of Deeper Blue, complimenting me on my fish!!! :)

Yeah, it's amazing what jealousy will do to a person.

I actually got back in the water (first time since the accident) up in Wyoming. Was nice, but it just wasn't the ocean, if you know what I mean. I miss the snap crackle & pop sounds of the sea! :hmm

I'll deal w/ pics and stories for now, though. ;)


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Reactions: Alison
Congratulations on the big hogfish, especially diving that deep for it!

Hello Chad and thanks. We've never met but I've heard a lot about you. Welcome to this side of the fence for a change :) There's a good group of people on this forum and lot's of diversity.

Anderson, you mean that "snap crackle and pop" sound when you're in murky water but you know there's good bottom below you :) I love that sound.
If Mike Maguire can do it shooting Carp and the elusive Walleye for four months out of the year after being a boat captain in the virgin islands I bet you can. I heard more stories about walleye spearfishing from fresh water divers I think I could shoot one blind. And I almost forgot, I think they're having the "clean out carp" project in Table Rock MS at this year's Nationals. Come on, that should be exciting to you. Seriously though, if we go to DEMA in Vegas this fall (haven't decided yet) I want to dive for some stripers in Lake Mead. Scope that out if you have the chance and let me know what you hear. They got some nice ones there a few years ago. It's a good enough reason to have to endure listening to passer by's all day long asking you "what do you do with those long fins?" or "does camo really work underwater?" :duh

gota get back to work -Mark
Gack! Walleye!!! Life of crime!!
Mark Laboccetta said:
if we go to DEMA in Vegas this fall (haven't decided yet) I want to dive for some stripers in Lake Mead. -Mark

I'll be at DEMA this year. Mike M.'s been wanting me to go shoot stripers over there for the past few years. I'm sure he'll be at DEMA as well, so we'll have plenty of people willing to run over there.

Fondueset said:

I feel your pain.
Now I'm going to get some backlash for this, but here goes:
I have been eating carp. Everyone I know says they are terrible, but I've never actually met anyone that tried to eat one!
I believe the myth stems from the same myth that Burbot are shitty to eat.....it's because they're 'ugly'.
My Indonesian wife said she could cook them, so I thought 'what the hell', and started bagging a few. They are a firmer fish with no little bones and taste great.
Granted the lakes are probably colder up here (making them taste better), but I'd give it a shot, so to speak.
Erik Y.
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I have been eating carp. Everyone I know says they are terrible, but I've never actually met anyone that tried to eat one!

See what I mean about the diversity in this group... :D That reminds me of somewhere I read that carp was a delicacy in France prepared a certain way with a nice side of Escargot. Yumm, dig in.

I remember hearing this guy from Brazil and also while I was in central america talk about how much they love Tarpon "sabalo" since it's a local treat to catch one. I presume that's probably why you never see one diving there either. That meat is red and bloody and probably really rich.

Either way, I'll take your word for it Eric and maybe after a few drinks and a full belly one day I could go for a tapas serving of carp fritters.

Mark Laboccetta said:
:D That reminds me of somewhere I read that carp was a delicacy in France prepared a certain way with a nice side of Escargot. Yumm, dig in.

Either way, I'll take your word for it Eric and maybe after a few drinks and a full belly one day I could go for a tapas serving of carp fritters.

I read somewhere that years ago monks kept carp for food in ponds near their monasteries, perhaps that what caused them to get that bald patch on top of thier heads ;) Hey which leads me on to thinking if that was the case, you could use your head as a flasher ;)
Hey which leads me on to thinking if that was the case, you could use your head as a flasher

Alison, stop right there! you just reminded me about something kinda crazy. You won't believe this probably but I'll tell you the story quickly anyway. Back in the 40's, and this story by the way was told down from my grandmother and to my father and then down to me, my great uncle Dante used to go with my other great uncle Donato to fish for octopus from their row boat in Sardinia. Octopus were so plentyful then that Dante who was the most pale member of my father's family, would stick his legs in the water off the side of the boat and the octopus attracted by the white would snatch onto the side of his leg. Those were the good ol' days I guess, just gives you a glimpse into how fishy and full of octopus the Mediterranean had to be back then. All true as I was a kid and I used to always hear them telling this story.
Alison, maybe next time you're out spearing you could expose a couple of white things and see what shows up!
My apologies, couldn't resist.
Erik Y.
That would be my bum then!
Erik said:
Alison, maybe next time you're out spearing you could expose a couple of white things and see what shows up!
My apologies, couldn't resist.
Erik Y.
its scientifically proffed that white attracts acto. I watched that on a TV but i was already had know about it since some people here in winter use white cloth to cover the fishing hooks benath and catch the acto. attracted by white cloth.
Yea thats real!!!
"Were you lookin' at my bum?......cheeky bum-looker"
Cheers, Erik Y.
Time for some nude sunbathing my dear
Ahem! yes.....well....er.......
Congratulations to Mark on his catch! Well done mate :)
Erik said:
I believe the myth stems from the same myth that Burbot are shitty to eat.....it's because they're 'ugly'.
Erik Y.

burbot is the best freshwater fish I've ever ate! soooo yummy, and such a challenge to take on a spear and snorkle. Deep!!! deepfry in a thick beer batter and serve with a cold brew and hand cut fries....

I'll need a minute to calm down.....
That is awesome. You going to dive with us in a couple weeks up there? Looking forward to it if you do! You might have to come along and sabotage you-know-who out of breaking the record again. He is diving shallower ever since you all made his head so big! :) If not I'll see you at the end of July. We'll dive together at point. All I have to do now is get through exams.
You going to dive with us in a couple weeks up there? Looking forward to it if you do! You might have to come along and sabotage you-know-who out of breaking the record again.

Hey Blake! How can I say no to that offer. I think you may need a hand shrinking your cuz's head. He's got the hound-dog scent for the fish though I gota say. Maybe Hatteras this weekend...for a pre tourney sneak peak for the divers of what's to come. Records are meant to be broken, and if he can break that one which is a pretty "stout" one, I'll have have to just put in a little more effort and go look for a bigger one. When I broke it with this fish,I had broken my previous record of 18lbs 14oz, which at the time had gone unbroken since 1963 from Puerto Rico. I upped this one by more than a pound and it took me five years of looking in the right places from the time I got the last one.(God I just looked back on this post and man I'm starting to sound like him now). I'm just lucky, time is always on my side :)

see ya' soon.
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