Hello, I am another newbie to the board and to apnea, and I have a couple of questions about my dynamic without fins technique 
I am a competent, strong swimmer; I practice in a 25m pool and have been swimming on averiage 80-100 laps a day for the last five months to get fit. My preferred stroke is breastroke. A couple of months ago, I met a swimmer who told me about apnea, and inspired me to try some underwater swimming (I always loved swimming underwater). Since then, I have been practising hard and now I can do 10 or more 25m dynamic w/o fins a day, with rests in between. However, I have been swimming these on my back, as my mentor showed me (breastroke on my back with my head over so I can see in front). For this I need a nose clip as well as my goggles. I can swim this way faster than on myfront (which takes about 25sec). In this method, I have completely out-timed several swimmers on the surface doing freestyle/front crawl. With a good kick off the wall, I can do 25m in 18 sec. Now I am looking to go faster. I have also done a 33m diagonal length in the same style, and two 15m widths. Having read some of the skilled swimmers personal techniques on here, I'm confident that I am missing something obvious which would make me go faster with fewer strokes.
Is there anyone here who might be able to shed some light on this favoured technique and how to improve it? Thanks
I am a competent, strong swimmer; I practice in a 25m pool and have been swimming on averiage 80-100 laps a day for the last five months to get fit. My preferred stroke is breastroke. A couple of months ago, I met a swimmer who told me about apnea, and inspired me to try some underwater swimming (I always loved swimming underwater). Since then, I have been practising hard and now I can do 10 or more 25m dynamic w/o fins a day, with rests in between. However, I have been swimming these on my back, as my mentor showed me (breastroke on my back with my head over so I can see in front). For this I need a nose clip as well as my goggles. I can swim this way faster than on myfront (which takes about 25sec). In this method, I have completely out-timed several swimmers on the surface doing freestyle/front crawl. With a good kick off the wall, I can do 25m in 18 sec. Now I am looking to go faster. I have also done a 33m diagonal length in the same style, and two 15m widths. Having read some of the skilled swimmers personal techniques on here, I'm confident that I am missing something obvious which would make me go faster with fewer strokes.
Is there anyone here who might be able to shed some light on this favoured technique and how to improve it? Thanks