Evidently now that buyers have found new ways to mishandle their pneumatic spearguns Mares have added this folded yellow card document in multiple (11) languages to set out some new rules and have attached it with a plastic tie to the gun’s trigger finger guard. You need to cut it off to use the gun and Mares assume that buyers will then read it. I have scanned it and you can see for yourselves. This example was attached to a “Sten”, but it will be the same for all their guns.
The most notable is the warning against twisting the shaft after it is cocked in the gun. Decades ago that was not something that people ever attempted as guns were all supplied with twin flopper screw thread speartips.
The most notable is the warning against twisting the shaft after it is cocked in the gun. Decades ago that was not something that people ever attempted as guns were all supplied with twin flopper screw thread speartips.