Headlands, you are right, i do NOT dive around great whites, but i would give my left nut to do so. BUT I DO DIVE WITH TIGER SHARKS AND BULL SHARKS and have had the chance to see tigers mating only 8 meters from me so back off. if you think im shittin ya, then ask Amphibious because he also has dived in the Persian Gulf, albeit not as north as my diving, but we are only separated by a few kilometers, something a shark could easily cover in one hour of swimming. I seriously doubt you have ever been in the water with a shark, especially a GW, for if you had, you would be more humble about it.
you might have a different opinion, and you are entitled to it, and so am i. if you want to voice your opinion, no one is to stop you, its your god given right, but to try to not insult each other.
to the other guys here: thanks for standing up for m. i tried giving you karma, but it said i had to blah blah blah.. i cant