Unirdna, i live near appleton, in a little town called hortonville. My family owns 4 lake properties in Waupaca county, so i swim every day... I still need longer breathe holds tho, and a gun. Im 15, it's hard to get around.
We own 2 properties on Bailey lake.... a very tiny lake across from the chain o' lakes, its so small i can easily swim back and forth across it. It's spring fed, gets to about 40-50 ft. and there are fish EVERYWHERE. It's no motor boats, so the fish rarely get plucked..... im not even joking, i've caught bluegill and sunfish with my hands at about 10ft. depth, it's really fun. One side is extremely weedy, but that's where the fish are... and it's hard to fish it because even with the weed-block things, it still catches lures. The only bad part is visibility.... and the drop off. I can walk about 15 ft. out and it gets deep fast. Theres a small ledge about 12ft deep, and the bass are VERY plentiful... i tried catching them bare-handed too, but i can only get one hand on em

After that it drops down to about 25 ft. and i can't get that deep because of the temperature. I have no wet suit and the spring fed makes it drop like 20 degrees, its so freakin cold. It's awesome for fishing though, that's why i want a gun.
We have another property on Long Lake, its pretty big and i see scuba a lot in the summer, It's about 7-80 ft. in the middle i think. Some big musky and bass there too... i caught an 18 inch large mouth recently. I dont like reel fishing though, it'd rather be under the water! Anyhow, my grandparents stay at that property, and i just swim there for recreation. Our other property is on Pearl lake... i havent swam there in years, my aunts and uncles have been taking care of it why we fix up out bailey lake cottages. It's got the best vis out of all 3, i think... so im anxious to go there sometime. I'm about 5'7" and 125. I'm growing fast though. Do you or jon or anyone around here have any old wetsuits i could maybe buy? I dont' have a lot of cash though, and i really like freediving!
I'm not sure if you have anything to do with the deeper blue milwaukee shop, but my cousin goes to UWM and his apartment is about a mile away or so, so i really wanted to go to the freedive clinic. I dont think im going to have enough money to do it though, for a non-working kid, $150 is gold

I think i would need a wetsuit anyhow, and theres now way i can scrounge up all those goods. My fins suck, some U.S. Diver ones, same with my mask and snorkel. I have a purge valve on my snorkel, but i've never been underwater diving with it in months..... since we went to key west and key largo and all that and dove the reefs. I can only get like 20, sometimes 30' on a good dive, but i've heard ppl increase their holds from like 1 to 4 minutes in a weekend. That's what i need to do. Since im in the water every day, i'm pretty confident my endurance and the actual swimming shouldnt be a problem. I know for my "freediving" abilities i wont need anything great either, since i dont really know what im doing.
I'm looking for a 5mm suit, i figure that will last me like April/May-September, maybe a warm October even? It will be good for the spring fed i dive too. What suggestions do you have on a gun? I will mostly be shooting bluegill and sunfish (we have some monsters)..... i checked DNR but i forgot, can you shoot the bass in wisconsin too? I guess it would be pointless because they taste like rubber, but hey. If you could, would you please send over a link to DNR regulations and seasons and all that on spearfishing? Hopefully i can make it down to the clinic, but i doubt it.
What's the big difference in gun size? As of now i can't hold my breathe that long, and i dont want to be using 3 bands..... i dont think i'd be good at that. What guns do you use for hunting freshwater? I really need to check DNR and find out which are which, if i remember right, Almost everything is fair game. I better start paying attention in class now
