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[News] 113 m CW new record: Guillaume Nery dit it!

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DeeperBlue.com Editorial
Apr 7, 2006
The news just came in this morning, Guillaume Nery achieved, in the bay of Ville-Franche (Nice), a new record at 113 m in constant weight. Aida is still processing the data, but aida Judges gave him the white card according to source Greg Piazzola of AI...

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We've got here a breath taking record week. Congratulations!
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Another great record if/when confirmed.
Good job!

Hopefully we will se production on this dive as great as on the 109 dive.

What a record week!
Dear freedivers, PLEASE READ ALL THE TEXT !!!!!!!

This morning, Guillaume attempted to beat the CWT world record, the juges gave him a white card and AIDA Int. is still processing the data. That it is written, so YES it was not confirmed, but NOW it seems to be confirmed by the international judges who were here for the attempt.

Don't ask me for more details, i was not in Nice, i simply gave you information as an AIDA France comitee member.
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may be in Guillaume´s blog are more informations, but i don't remember the name of the blog, someone do?
Fantastic dive Guillaume, 113m ain't easy! I hope there's a video...
The warmest congradulations Guillaume!
You keep amazing me!

On his blog I've read that he has speeded up his decent and acent speed MUCH. I too wonder about his record divetimes, profile and narcosis experiences. Surely I would love to see nice video footage too!

Is Guilliame trying to attempt an even deeper dive?

Exiting having Herbert, Guillaume, Carlos, Ryuzo, Dave and others so close to each other!
Shall it be only per meter improvements from now on in CW?

Love, Courage and Water,

Re: [News] 113 m CW new record: Guillaume Nery did it!

There will be no deeper dive, the goal was to go to 113m, he trained hard to do it, he did it and he doesn't care about how deep is his limit. He trained to do 113m, he did well and with a lot of current, condition may have been better but he trained for 113, not 114 or 115 or 120, sure he is able to do more but it is not the way we dive in France.

The record is now up on AIDA's website, so I suppose it is official. The divetime was fast: 2.45!

An amazing achievement! Well done!
Can't wait to get to the world's and see what is going to happen there with all these guys going so deep and so close to each other.
Wonder what Stepanek is doing?
Well done, Guillaume! Sending you BIG CONGRATS from the woman's CWT WR holder - for the time-being anyway! xxxx
Guillaume - stonking effort, that just awesome! Glad to see style triumphing once more...
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