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[News] Big Sea Level rise forecasted

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DeeperBlue.com Editorial
Apr 7, 2006
According to a new scientific analysis , sea levels could rise by up to one-and-a-half metres by the end of this century. These findings were presented at a major science conference in Vienna. The research group is not the first to suggest tha...

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Hey, good news! Not as far to walk to the sea :friday

or get in it rofl

i still cant get that bug right - its just static. its even annoying me now on my screen everytime i see it rofl
1 1/2 metres isn't that much.

Dorry went up 1/2 metre when i got in last week. lol.

Maldives will become a top liveaboard destination and we will lose Scotland apart from the mountains but is there any downside?
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Well that will screw all the illegal Gold Coast development! (bribery, building too close to shore, pity it can't happen sooner in this respect.)
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