I just want to put the message of the article straight - unlike the short article abstract of Paul Kotik suggests, the article in no way denies global warming, but rather just shows that it is a quite complex process. It speaks about scientists' speculations that deep ocean lost some heat because much more ice must be melting into the ocean than they normally assume.
Global Warming is certainly a topic that concerns us all, and is therefore also somehow related to diving and freediving, however with the last news alerts and suggestive comments of Paul Kotik, I begin to be under the impression that (thanks to his position of a DB editor) he is trying to push his personal agenda little bit too much.
Personally I have nothing against occasional news about climate changes here on DB, although they are not directly related to freediving, but it makes me wonder why Paul needs to post two articles and purposely comments them as if they denied Global Warming. There are also hundreds or thousands of other articles and scientist works with different views, but we do not see posted them here (thanks god). This is a diving forum, so the message about possible controversy and political bias in relation to Global Warming was well transmitted with the fist post and deeply discussed in its thread. I found it interesting. Posting this second news article, though, can be only considered as a biased provocation. I would much more prefer if Paul took part on the first discussion more actively and explained his arguments on the forum, then transforming DB into a politically biased platform.
Maybe it would be better to stop arguing about global warming and better let it for climate experts - they certainly know much more about it than we do. Trying to reduce our emissions and polluting, getting more ecology aware, and pushing more for alternative energies in the meantime will certainly not hurt us, regardless who is right about global warming.