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[News] South African rescuers risk their lives to save an entangled whale

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DeeperBlue.com Editorial
Apr 7, 2006
A Southern Right whale measuring 10 metres became entangled a huge lobster trap, off the coast of Cape Town in False Bay. Rescuers battled to avoid the thrashing tail while attempting cut the whale free from some 600 metres of rope. The whale became entan...

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Depends on members opinions of eating whales I would think. I don't know the answer to that though.
Dead man walking, theres' a dead man walking through....
Depends on members opinions of eating whales I would think. I don't know the answer to that though.
A simple search would have revealed the answer to that question as well as the unpleasant debate associated with it. Or perhaps a repeat of that debate was the intention?
No this is Not a political dinner, Just something off the shelf at the supermarket.
I just got to thinking about whether it was a hot potato when I saw the news item and it reminded Me of whats for dinner (I'm not eating an endangered species for dinner BTW).
I Don't see the problem with eating them, I'm sure many of us have eaten worse but I guess its one of those 'eat a cow but not a horse' issues some people have.
Whales? atomichaggis speared a whale? Any pics? :)
(I am kidding btw, it is meant for humor only) Darn disclaimers....
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