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[News] US Constant Weight Record to Ivanovic

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DeeperBlue.com Editorial
Apr 7, 2006
United States Apnea Association Spokesman Grant W. Graves reports: Theo Ivonovic achieved a depth of 82 meters / 269 feet in constant weight today in Bay of Villefranche, Nice, France.  This breaks the old and one of the longest standing U...

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Re: [News] US Constant Weight Record to Ivonovic

Awwwright. Way to go, Theo. Well done.

(and Emily says wow, too).
Re: [News] US Constant Weight Record to Ivonovic

Well done Theo! :king
Has anyone got the full results?

Re: [News] US Constant Weight Record to Ivonovic

Congrats Theo! Well done!
Re: [News] US Constant Weight Record to Ivonovic

Big congrats top dive mate.
Re: [News] US Constant Weight Record to Ivonovic


(and its Ivanovic :t)

~ Snuf.
Re: [News] US Constant Weight Record to Ivonovic

Congrats Theo!! You the DADDY!!
Re: [News] US Constant Weight Record to Ivonovic

Well done Theo

Re: [News] US Constant Weight Record to Ivonovic

I see your training went fine, I still have some catching up to do Nice! Congratulations
Re: [News] US Constant Weight Record to Ivonovic

Hey Theo, fantastic dive! Well done!

Re: [News] US Constant Weight Record to Ivonovic

Nice one Theo!!!

C U in Sharm...

Peter P
Re: [News] US Constant Weight Record to Ivonovic

Good work Theo... Hows the nipper?

Gary from Richmond.
Re: [News] US Constant Weight Record to Ivonovic

nice one theo!

Re: [News] US Constant Weight Record to Ivonovic

Cheers all for your messages. I'm sitting back at my desk in grey and rainy London and it just ain't the same! Many thanks to Francois and Cedric for setting it up and cheers to Deron for safetying me (and the 2 thumbs up at
-30m coming home).

Re: [News] US Constant Weight Record to Ivonovic

World class!

That was an old world record at the time i believe.

Re: [News] US Constant Weight Record to Ivonovic

Awesome stuff Theo, well done. Look forward to hearing the rundown soon.

Which fin were you using?

Very well done, Theo. Sorry you didn't make it to Marseille. Not as sorry as Deron though - I think he'll be having words with you....
Deron is not happy with me.......I not only 'abandoned' him in Marseille, but it has also mysteriously become my fault that the mediterranean has thermoclines whereas Hawaii does not. I am also blamed for the severe cold he picked up on the flight over and the jet lag he heroically conquered in setting a new US VWT record. My name is mud in Kona.....

Reactions: naiad
Volcanic mud, but mud nonetheless. He had a 'bad' static yesterday of 6mins 25 seconds, due to accidentally flooding his sinuses. Just before it happened, he was recalling the events of your depth record....oh dear.
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