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nice site about big big spearguns...

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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I "reverse stalk" wahoo. I find they dont want you to look at them but dont want you to ignore them either. If I spot one (usually in my peripheral vision or while glancing behind myself) I generally dive or swim away from them slowly and curl into a ball. Often when I open my eyes they will be right in front of me begging for attention. Once I saw 4 hoo's and did this and when I opened my eyes there was over 2 dozen in front of me...a wall of wahoo

All I am saying is that every time someone mentions bigger guns, inevitably someone from that side of the pond starts making the same old learn to stalk comments. Ivan youve been here through the debates and have said that each have their place but that is not reflected in 90% of your responses. Use this thread and the BF tuna thread as refrence.

This thread was started by someone simply saying check out this big ass gun and it turned quickly into to why such things were uncalled for when noone bothered to find out who made it, when and why. Jack made these guns for the biggest trophy fish that were unable to be landed at the time. Was it extreme? Yes. But such creativity(kinda like Iya ) has lead to the gear we all use now, both railguns and lumber.
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Originally posted by rigdvr
Once I saw 4 hoo's and did this and when I opened my eyes there was over 2 dozen in front of me...a wall of wahoo

I hope you get one of them
Hey Rigd,

When I finish my new blue water gun, take me blue water hunting dude...

Rig dont worry I read all through that site about a 2 years ago including all the roller guns he designed as well as that neat euro roller gun made by Niko Brummer I believe.

It was quite an interesting site but I looked at that Super gun over 2m long with a huge spear and then looked at the fish photos (mostly yellowtail) and thought is it really worth carrying something like that around because I know I wouldnt enjoy it, heck I complain about the drag of a railgun with 2 rubbers but then again it was just an experiment.

I use a very similar approach on Green jobfish that you use on your wahoo, we generally dive to the bottom and look straight at the ground not looking at the fish at all, start tossing up sand and when your bottom time is up you look up and can sometimes be suprised. Not sure if you get Jobbies there but they are a heck of a smart fish just ask Abri

Wahoo are not all that common in my waters the game boats work the continetal shelf 70miles + off shore, so for us to go out there for a day trip is a heck of a lot of money and time.

Hello Ývan,
What is the other name of green jobfish ?Can you explain??
Aydýn Mevsim

Green Job fish are found in most tropical coral reefs. The best place to look for them is areas where there is scattered coral with sandy patches on the bottom. They are extremely wary and 9 times out of 10 they will not come in range unless you use burely which I dont.

If you can hold your breath for ages and lie on the bottom you will have a better chance of getting them, but I lack the breathold

Originally posted by rigdvr

...if Sven and Abri could appreciate the differences we all can.

Indeed. I do miss our witty reparte. Hey, if anyone knows where he's scamming, tell him to ring us up.

Mike, (rig) is emminentally correct. Jack P, now sadly gone, was one of a very small handfull of people qualified to be called a genuine innovator. Call it the times, the economy or just his damn admirable interest/devotion to diving, not just spearfishing, but everyone here owes him a tremendous amount of thanks. Here's a guy that developed masks, camera housings, floats, fins, suits, techniques and one of the longest running organizations devoted to diving and education around. And he built guns. Man did he build guns. :king

Much as the cars we drive started out on paper, wire and clay as a hose clamped and duct taped monstrosity, Jack's guns were always about being able to bring the fish home, not just to stick it and hope for the best; and for that you gotta respect the guy. I've got knives and 200 pounds that I can't sever a fish head with and Jack was putting together guns that would skewer a fish a meter thick!! That's not something that you just know how to do off the top of your head. Jack did, by sheer ingenuity and talent with a piece of whatever he had laying around.

During one of the special times in my life, when I was in his warm presence, he'd describe his techniques and his equipment and his luck. It all came down to him to just be out there and looking and praying. No worrying about how his suit looked or whether he had the latest greatest whatever, or stalking. He knew he was blessed to just be out there. My search for one of his guns goes on as did his search for a better tool for bigger fish.

His gear approaches jewelery. His memory is golden.
Reactions: Memo
Originally posted by Cingene
Hey Rigd,

When I finish my new blue water gun, take me blue water hunting dude...

Lets go...
Originally posted by icarus pacific
Mike, (rig) is emminentally correct.

Was there any doubt?:mute seriously though, I knew a guy with a Jack P and he sold it a couple of years ago. I will definately keep an eye out for you. That would truly be the centerpiece of a collection. If I had your kind of money, I would burn all of mine and get one for myself
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