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Nose clips

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Aug 17, 2004


  • nasenklemme.jpg
    1.9 KB · Views: 825
Looks great, except you'd have to change the pads, because they would compress to nothing at depth.

Eric Fattah
BC, Canada
It is not my native language but with my knowledge of German I found out the following for you:

ArtNr.: 70057 --> one noseclips with foam pads € 4.64
ArtNr.: 70057c --> 10 noseclips and 200 foam pads € 81.20
The 16 % German VAT is already included in the prices

On the website it says: For more information contact us: info@fg-deutschland.de

They have international resellers but none in englisch (http://www.faran.gr/ , http://www.bionicportugal.com/ , http://www.bionicportugal.com/ ) however there is an email address of a reseller in the UK:
AUMedicals Ltd
Unit 12 Business Innovation Centre
Angel Way
Bradford, West Yorkshire
Fon: +44 (0) 1274 841 328
Fax: +44 (0) 1274 841 329
Email: aumedicals@hotmail.com

There is no information on the site about deliveries to other countries. I would just drop them an email.

Maybe you could replace the thick foam with thinner foam or cork for deep diving.

Hope this helps.
Hey Jason,
These Noseclips are for Spirometry and other respiratory test, they don't work very well for in -water use.
Based on all the feedback I opted not to order any of these. Instead I continued modifying a hard plastic clamp, and attached cork pads to it with glue. it work great now, and if I come across a paradisa I will buy one, or if somone makes clones and will sell me one, I will buy one, but in the iterim I am satisfied.

I did however think that the design of their sliding rods was kind of neat. Maybe someone should make a clone of one of these...
I just got a paradisia (ordered from www.onebreath.nu. Just send him mail if you don't speak swedish :). But I must say, though it is really nice looking and robust, the one I made my self earlier (according to instructions posted on db) works just as well. It's ugly as hell though...(but with proper tools and patience it could be made to look quite nice).

BTW, the operating principle on the clips above seems to be the same...
Hello Jome ,
CAn you please tell the e-mail address of onebreath site?
This is an excellent nose clip which I received from my freediving instructor, former world record holder Erez Beatus!


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I have the same noseclip (only in green colour).
It' s excellent for static and dynamic. For deep diving I use it only in warm water and I stretch a little rubber band over it to make really sure that no air escapes.
With a big noseclip you normally cannot use a regular diving mask.

You can use fluidgoggles, which are goggles with a special lense filled with fluid which you do not need to equalize. Or you could use a pipe mask. A pipe mask is something like a pair of swimming goggles with a small pipe (tube) attached. You can equalize the mask by blowing air into the tube with your mouth or just letting the water flow into the goggles while diving down. Just do a search on this forum on words like "fluid goggles" or "pipe mask".
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Freediver81 said:
This is an excellent nose clip which I received from my freediving instructor, former world record holder Erez Beatus!

Amazing !! At my last comp in Clermont Ferrand, I met a guy with exacrly the same nose clip...

I tried it on and it semt to pinch really well my nose...

I asked the guy where he had bought this nose-clip and how much...

He bought it at "Le Vieux Plongeur" in Marseille it cost him about 3 to 5 € !

I nearly proposed to buy him this nose clip although it semt a little bit worn...

After reflexion I thought to myself that such a cheap nose-clip couldn't do and would be just sufficient to do dynamic apnea in a swimming pool, it wouldn't resist the pressure for deep dives...

Apparently I was wrong, wasn't I ? Shall I reconsider my buying a Paradisia which is almost 8 times as expensive ?
Manuel said:
I have the same noseclip (only in green colour).
It' s excellent for static and dynamic. For deep diving I use it only in warm water and I stretch a little rubber band over it to make really sure that no air escapes.

thanks for the information ; it then means that it is not tight enough to deep dive...
Freediver81 said:
Hello manuel!

how do you equalise your mask?

which mask do you use?

Does it mean that you use your nose-clip over your mask ?

Then you push some air with your nostrils through the nose-clip ???
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