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Novel research on freediving

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


New Member
Jan 13, 2004
Be patient with me gang!
I think I sent a message to Mikey Dolphin thanking him for info on the latest women's world static apnea record--Annabel Briseno.
Anyways--I think I'm a better novelist than I am a websurfer.
I HOPE. :head
I also hope he likes--and YOU GUYS like--the idea of me using my 6:40 as one of my novel character's holds. It's a fictional story--and, well, 6:40 is sort of a fictional hold--I mean, it's not a legit world record.
As for now--I'm up to September 2002 in the story, (book #2 in the series)...and I can use the old record of 6:02 for the opening Samantha scenes--but eventually, I'll need new records--the 2003 ones, (men's and women's)...the 2004 ones, when I get there.
Why do I want to use the 6:40?? For a novelist--SOMETIMES SOMETHING JUST SCREAMS TO BE USED! :D
AND I remember something of how it FELT! (But to remember it better, I'm practicing again--not to set a world record--my old dream--God, NO--:eek: )
Just to recharge the memory banks...I'm still at 2:26--so far--REALLY. :)
Anyone else's ideas, experiences, for BRAIN PICKING???
Water Rat
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