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November Contest!!!

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icarus pacific

Nov 7, 2001
I was pretty surprised at the mail I received saying that the contest last month was difficult, but how you still enjoyed it. So in that same train of thinking, let's do it again.

There are new members daily so let's get a couple things straight- You put down the remote, tell the better half to leave you be or leave the porn sites long enough to give the picture below a gander. Come up with a funny title for it, and sit back and wait for a knock at the door with your genuine DB prize, a T-shirt almost sure to fit or a DB coffee cup that they swear has never been used. All for the price of you having fun and being funny. Oh and you have to impress the judges that yours is the best, but how could it not be?? Is life good or what? :cool:
Remember this is a family show, so show some smarts.

Let's do this!

sven - DB's contest guru
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"Well well, what have we here?"

"Turning Wishing Wells into Fishing Wells for Dummies"

"Promo fo The Big Blue: Sven's Cut"

"101 Tricks to Play on Well Wishers"

"Looks Like Sven's Hit Rock Bottom"

"Games to Play When the Nephews Visit Number 432: Well Spearing"

Ok they're all crap, I'll go away and think of better ones... :/

"After training by shooting fish in a barrel, Sven was ready for the next challenge"

And a slight change to one of loopy's (which means its his):
"Turning Wishing Wells into Fishing Hells"
Haha no way Sash, I don't need sympathy!!
*Headbutts Shadow* :D

OK, let's rip off some movies...

"The Sum of All Beers: Wierd Things to Do When Intoxicated"
"Gone in 60 Centimetres"
"Good Well Hunting"
"The Little Blue"

Eeek, so much for better ones.... :duh


"The combination of spruce trees and rose bushes made Sven decide this was a 4 rubber well"

Or how about just "Sven has way too much time on his hands"


Personally I vote for loopy's 'Good Well Hunting' all the way! But if that isn't good enough, here are some more:

'Deep Well Blackout'
'Looking for some well-being'
'Journey to the center of the earth'
'Hunting for Deep Mackerwell'
'Searching for the wellddell seal'
'Fisch re-invents the diving bell'
'J.B.Esclapez: Campione del Well'
'Spearfisherman pees so much, he was hired to refill the well'

Eric Fattah
BC, Canada
November Contest

I can see the headlines now....

"Spearo arrested for 'Possession of a Deadly Weapon' after being sighted snooping around wells full of Fisch! Details on the news at 10:00" :duh

Or how 'bout this one......

"We rear 'em, You Spear 'em!" :ko

Oh, heres another one I just thought of...

"Fins and Speargun were all that remained of the Spearo after the Fisch got their revenge!" :t

and finally, we have:

"After seeing the size of the Fisch in THAT well, Spearo tossed his equipment and took off as fast as his feet would take him!"


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Ocean too rough? Vis is crap? Let us dig you a place to dive!
Fisch Bros Inc, creators of the perfect spearfishing hole.

How this then

"Fisch Bros Water Well Housing"
"All the comforts of a home and all the style of a well"
"Fully doubled walls, no windows but plenty of fish"
"so come on in and the new home experance you will never get dry again"

And this time I will win *que sound of mad canned laughter*


"After an hour of diving Sven declared, No many fishes there water is drinkable!"

Far away from water? no diving for some time? Desperate? Any water will do?
Sorry pal not worth it, take Svens vord for it.

“No good, been there done that..”:head
Just to make it...hmm, bit more positive I guess..;)


  • november comp.jpg
    november comp.jpg
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Hey Sven, I've been everywhere but diving, unfortunately. This weather sucks, I was planning on getting abs this weekend, but not off a surfboard! Not sure how many chances I will have left this month, might just have to wait for April for my next ab dinner. You should plan another get together for the DeeperBlue folk. I missed Stephen & Cliff at Dema, but theres others to meet, including you! Man, live in the same county and have to talk on the net. Great job with the contest!
Here goes another caption contest I'll lose. :)

in a VERY drunk voice:
"Aye don' need'ta go to the UK to dive wales!" -Burp!
(also read in a VERY drunk state ;))
hahaha nice Mike - All's well that ends well is what I always say... :D

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