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Number of Contractions during max static?

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New Member
Jan 8, 2003
Hey everyone,

I was just attempting a max static and had around 42-45 contractions. I am just interested in some other peoples numbers as far as how many contractions a human can withstand or that you have during a max static attempt. I am guessing it is more than 45 as I am not about to pass out but I am still leary when I am having that many.

Hope to hear from some of you.
Hi jkivi,
You will find it varies with everyone. I have lousy CO2 tolerance, and when I used to count on max-statics I go up to 80-90 or so.
They started at around 3.20-3.40, and total static time between 5.45-6.08.

Some people don't get any at all, they are in the minority, some get lots. There is a thread somewhere if you do a search. I think Eric mentioned he knew someone that would have 150-200 contractions or something. Ouch !

Peter Pazdera (Vancouver) has hundreds of quick, tiny contractions. Kinda like a machine gun. It's different for everybody I'm sure, but it can become a measuring tool for yourself if you achieve some consistency. Eg: after 50 contractions that start at 4:30 on my max static, I am pushing my limits. Sometimes ;)
Congrats on the PB dude,
Erik Y.
thanks guys for the info. and thanks for the site Sebastian. Those tests are very interesting. I will be looking at them some more in the future. Also thanks Erik and Wal for your input
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