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Nutritional value of Bass/Mullet/Yellow Fin Tuna/Mackeral/...

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Eating vegetarian (esp. vegan) really brings the cholesterol down. Milk & eggs are like meat for cholesterol - a vegan diet includes none of those, and so no cholesterol.

Not sure about wheat grass but I knew a guy that once worked in a health food store in California & he said lemon grass juice was very popular. It is a laxative -- perhaps that's how those Californians stay so slimrofl. He used to drink a green shake in the morning that had soy lecithin in, it looked & tasted surprisingly good. I think the idea of the lecithin is that it helps emulisfy fats & stops it forming aterial plaques -- whether it works, I cannot say.
The return of delicious, oily mackeral

By the way, we had the most fantastic mackeral last night. They were the best looking and tasting mackeral I have ever eaten. All the mackeral I have eaten in recent years (even those I caught freshly myself) have been smaller, less oil and less tasty than I remember eating as a boy. I thought maybe that bigger, better mackeral had been fished out. I was even beginning to doubt my boyhood memories. Not sure why - perhaps the time of the season - but these were bigger, plumper, oilier and more delicious than any I have had before. Excellent

It seems possible to me that cholesterol may be high or low, but it's the blood flow that counts, i.e. blood pressure. If that's the case, it might be effective to prevent whatever makes the stuff stick to the arteries in the first place That would be worth a look, maybe.

I once met a fellow who made green pulpy drinks for his lunch. It was pretty gross, because he let it drip into his beard :yack really seemed to enjoy it, though.
Reactions: Mr. X
Go wheat grass land shark. That stuff is fast acting. very sweet, but it gives a good energy buzz without the crash.
Go wheat grass land shark. That stuff is fast acting. very sweet, but it gives a good energy buzz without the crash.

See! thats what I have been hearing and reading.
ok so like I don't have a juicer that does grass so I tried spouting some and put it in my sandwiches and cereal and even my bread, man what a difference In energy. I'm begining to think thats prob the direction to head next
That sounds interesting. I must admit that eating grass does not at first sound enjoyable.
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