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O2 and CO2 tables

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
Okay, here is your b-data:

table first try last try comment
O_2/CO_2 max. time max. time
Apr. 10 13/0 1.43-(3.26) 2.40-3.52 unsystematic tables
Mai 10 1/12 2.06-(3.24) 2.13-3.58 learned full breathing
Jun. 10 5/6 2.06-(3.40) 3.34-(5.03) breathe-up experim.
Jul. 10 8/2 2.15-2.30 3.15-4.08 systematic tables
Aug. 10 0/4 no data no data dnf training in pool
Sep. 10 0/1 no data no data dnf training in pool
Oct. 10 8/2 3.00-3.15 4.00-4.59 very fit
Nov. 10 4/1 2.45-3.00 4.00-4.39 yoga (time wasted)
Dec. 10 6/0 2.30-3.15 3.45-4.51 been lazy
Jan. 11 7/0 3.00-3.45 4.00-5.00 new breathe-up
Feb. 11 5/6 3.30-3.45 4.38-5.05 alternative CO_2-tab

O_2-tables start with first try and pause 2min to breathe-up, then I do
15s more than before, which works nearly always (not for 5m). The times
in brackets use a different (longer) breathe-up. The number of tries is
3-5 in April and always 8 tries later. For me it is important to train at
least 3h after the last meal.

I was too lazy to calculate any mean values, but these ranges contain
the training effect information more than just personal bests, because
sometimes the apnea time jumps. One training effect is that the apnea
times are reached dependable (? sorry my bad English). I omitted all
values with 3min breathe-up in the last 3 months leading to my personal
best 5.20 at the moment.

I hope its useful and I will tell you when I found the way to break this
damn 5min limit.

Good luck and as you know: The truth is out there!

I would really like an answer on a topic since I am desperately looking for an answer during the past 2 days in the pages of the forum and can't find anything...
The question is what is the way to breath-ventilate during practising tables, after an apnea you have 2 to 1 minutes to breath usually. At start I did the only belly method (1-part-breath-2-exhale). But when I do this I feel a strong urge to breath with my chest and somehow high on the chest( dont know exactly how to explain it ). So I tried to do tables and breathing between apneas with the method that my body seems to want. I did that and it seems sometimes i manage to achieve that high on the chest breath which gives me a very pleasant feeling like i got a weight off me, other times I don't manage to do this. Whatever the case is though ( manage or not the high pleasant breath ) with this method I can do tables that with the previous method (belly 1-part-breath-2-exhale) would be impossible. So
A) Is it hyperventilation ?
B) Is this feeling of one high chest breath normal ? Does anybody else notice that ?
C) How do you breath between a table's breath holds ?

Thanks a lot