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Official IAFD Report on Audrey Mestre's Death

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.

Ricardo (SAFER)

New Member
Jun 28, 2002
A group of concerned professionals has been gathered to analize in detail what appears in this report, and even more important, what DOES NOT appear in it.

This independent analisis, IF allowed by this Forum's mentors will be posted.
If not, it will be made available in a private manner to whomever wished to receive it.

Inquiring minds are also encouraged to examine, analize, compare and share their impressions, most particularly about the credibility issues questioning this report.

Since the most crucial part of corroborating ANY assesstment relies in the Original Non Edited SLED'S VIDEO, as well as other elements that are NOT being shown in this Report, no further comments are due at the present time.

Ricardo G. Hernandez

Any independent report that helps analyse what happened during Audrey's dive can be submitted directly to me for review and publishing on the main site. No reports or in-depth commentary should be posted to these forums without prior consent from me.

Please let me have the independent report as soon as you have it available.

Stephan and member of this Forum:

Perhaps I wasn't specific enough, so I clarify.

No independent report on what happened or could have happened during the fatal dive will be posted by me, or anyone related to me. This will be done in the proper place and time, mainly in Court's procedures, cvroos examinations of subpeoned witnesses, discovery, etc.

What IS going to be analized in depth is THEIR final and official report.

There is a difference, semantics, perhaps. Let's not forget that this official final report had to be "first cleared by their lawyers " (specialists without any doubt in semantics... ) as stated by IAFD in their previous and last announcement of 12/06/02.

So, again, no hipothesis or conjectures, etc.
The target of the analisys is their published version, and knowing the professionalism and knowledge of you and your Deeper Blue STAFF, I am sure your editorial analysis will also be most interesting.

Ricardo G. Hernandez
There is a chinese proverb:

"One image is worth a thousand words...."

The most important, crucial, corroborating and visual evidence of any of the potential causes mentioned in this Official Report is the ORIGINAL, UNCUT, UNEDITED, SLED'S VIDEO.

It has to be coupled up with the graphic, ocular witnesses, etc. to confirm certain points in the Report that are left inconclusive.

Since there have been previous statements to the effect that it will not be shown to the public, it certainly will be demanded, summoned or subpoenaed in the Judicial Court, as evidence.

The in depth analysis of the Report is being done, but it will not be published "shortly" to quote IAFD. It will be thoroughly examined by professional personnel, not at all foreign to this specific field.

Not to worry, you will NOT have to wait 2 months for it, this time around!

Ricardo (SAFER)

Ricardo (SAFER)
Your a confusing man from what I see. In your first reply you said that if allowed by the mentors of thise forum you will post the report, then you say in another that you will NOT post your report here, but in court. Can you clarify because your not making sense.

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