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Ohh, definatly not true!!

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New Member
Oct 2, 2003
This statement doesnt seem to be true to me.
And I quote...

"..in order to dissociate the breath hold spearfishers from freedivers who are after deep freediving records and whose attempts frequently result in tragedies mostly due to shallow water blackout."

I guess I have gotten lucky, considering I frequently(much more often then not) should be dying from this sport. Isnt this quote all bassackwards, I was under the impression that the majority of deaths are from spearos? I guess there is a reason why all the scuba guys call me crazy for freediving.
Ill obstain from revealing the source.
I caught it on a mass mailing from Roger Yazbek, on the Picasso forums website. Yeah it seems a bit wordy.
icarus pacific said:
I caught it on a mass mailing from Roger Yazbek, on the Picasso forums website. Yeah it seems a bit wordy.

Consider the source :hmm
Off the top of my head I can think of 5 SWB's that have killed spearos.

Can't think of one comp/record freediving fatality that involved SWB.
Well I suppose if you follow a few security measures there's a very litle chance you would black out, let alone drown. In any way, I do not know who Roger Yazbek is, but since we don't have the full quote we can't really comment on it either.
If I am not mistaken, Roger Yazbek is the owner of Picasso America!
He is a Spearo!

The saying says: "Ignorance is blessed" :duh


p.s. this is my 200th Post!!! :)
Freediver81 said:
p.s. this is my 200th Post!!! :)

Congrats on the 200 Said :)

About Roger's comments, read on.

FREEDIVE HUNTING; much more than just "Skin Diving" or "Spearfishing"

When a freediver swims down holding a light speargun, unassisted and on a single breath to sometimes as deep as 150ft in order to ambush or stalk a fish, this is not mere spearfishing anymore, but Freedive Hunting.

We are not throwing a spear at a fish from shore or boat, or spearfishing while on SCUBA. When we say that we are "Freedive Hunters", we specify what we do unambiguously.

Some will call the sport "Spearfishing while on breath hold", some will abstain from using the term "Free Diving" but rather "Skin Diving", in order to dissociate the breath hold spearfishers from freedivers who are after deep freediving records and whose attempts frequently result in tragedies mostly due to shallow water blackout.

I do not agree and it's not because I always wear a wetsuit, but because our sport is as - if not more - dangerous, and it is my belief that whoever practices it should get informed and stay informed. The more you learn and share experiences, the less your chances of getting hurt as a result of misinformation, inexperience or recklessness. Giving the sport different labels will not make it safer; educating divers will.

Knowledgeable, experienced and in-shape breath hold spearfishers will tell you that they are Freedive Hunters and the sport they love the most is Freedive Hunting.

While I agree that "frequently result in tragedies" is a bit excessive, it still helps to see the rest of the story.
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I would say that the ''freedive hunting'' would be DEEP SPEARFISHING, thats all.


Freediver81 said:
If I am not mistaken, Roger Yazbek is the owner of Picasso America!
He is a Spearo!

The saying says: "Ignorance is blessed" :duh


p.s. this is my 200th Post!!! :)
You mean "Ignorance is bliss" no? :)
Congrats on the post count...
Good example of what happens when a quote is taken out of context. He seems to qualify his remarks in the next paragraph.
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