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Old fasion spearfishing in NJ

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New Member
Jul 13, 2004
My brother shot this 40 + inch striper with a spearpole.


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You are kicking a$$, taking names and putting the NJ coastline on the map, dude!

What's the vis like out there, and where do you usually dive? I'm not all that big on skewering fish (yet, although I might like it if I tried it), but I'm always interested in going new places to dive.

It's about a 2 hour drive to A.C. from where I live (just west of Philly).
well the vis is good somtimes, dipends on the wether, I like those rockes more then eny other spot in NJ, it's prity deep, lots of good size fish and not to many fisherman so you dont wory about the fishing lines.
For you Pezman it will take like 2 1/2 hours to get ther, I'm always looking for a diving partner, so just post I'll give you directions and you can meet me aut ther.

Hi,,,, what is the best place to spearfishing in north of new jersey shore?

have you ever bin to Long beech Island, ther is a light house at the north end of the island, the roks ther are full of shipshead and stripers, lest sunday I was spearing sea trout, and the water is like 75%, like being in florida. check aut my other post called L.B.I. 7/10/04

We'd be happy to have you join the EastCoastFreediver Yahoo group. There are a few spearos that hang out there -- might be another good way to get a buddy for a dive.

SmellsFishy, Neshamah and I are all on the group and there are about 50 other folks. More than half are in Europe, West Coast etc. -- not sure why they find us interesting, but they seem to enjoy lurking.

At any rate, lots of local talent, and some of them live pretty close to the shore.

Thank you Oleg for the imformation --


you brother know about deepeblue forum?

tell him to post here


wats up every one..i im new to this forums...as im to the state...im from florida...an i have a big love for the water...an shooting every thing that moves in it. not familiar to this waters at all... woundering if you guys had any good pin points for me..
i have one, dont shoot everything that moves in the water...
welcome to DB
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