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Omer/Manny Pole Spears

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Like buying Michael Jordan's sneakers never made me jump any higher I don't know if getting a Manny Pole spear will make it easy to hit a little-tunny like this either:)

Here's a sneak peak at the new break away tip we're working on that's getting a little gulf stream R&D in the process.



  • manny2b.jpg
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Nice shots, Mark. If Connor ever gets me back to the Bahamas, I'm going to have to grab one of those for the trip. Sticking tuna with a pole spear - WTF :)? BTW, how does Manny tolerate all that hair? He give new meaning to the "Aquatic Ape Theory". That would drive me nuts.
Yep, I guess I wasn't as surprised by this shot since I'd seen another one Mark Rackley took of him with a Ballyhoo he shot with the metal stick. Something else. Otherwise, its almost unprecedented to hit a football like that one with a pole-spear I think. The colors of the shot were nice too.

I'm not very religious but Manny is, remember the story about Samson in the bible and all his hair that held his strength? Maybe something along those lines, just guessing though. Probably more about that primitive creature look that's his trademark.

Our polespear is nice, we're very proud of it and put a lot of effort into production aspect to get it the way it is.

Clear waters, Mark

You need a new challenge. I think it's time you gave up your gun and start tagging crappies with that polespear to get ready for the next warm water trip- and then I can try it and see if I need one as well. ;)

Just a quick question - where can you buy the rubbers ? What diameter are they ?

I see 17mm and 19mm readily available from places like sub prof (think it is Cressi rubber or Omer - not sure...) - just curious on the diam. and length of rubber...


I don't think you've ever seen a pole spear before except maybe pictures (no offense) since they use much smaller rubber than your typical gun.

Your arm, Popeye included, could not manage to hold a speargun rubber band cocked for more than a few seconds.

Therefore while the rubber we use is thicker than most pole spear rubbers because our pole spear is bigger and heavier its still 7/16" OD and 1/4" ID hole. That translates to "roughly" 6mm hole in the inside and 11mm OD.

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The real question is when are we going to see Manny use his pole spear on Steve-o or Chris on the wildboys ? :t

yknow.. ive never used a polespear, never held one, never seen one, but that omer polespear has me craving one ! who knows, maybe someday i'll have the $$ at the right time when the craving hits :) i think i could enjoy hunting with one, looks a lot easier to track fish with than a 100cm eurogun, and the added challenge of learning a new way of hunting is allways good
Yes ... thanks I knew it was smaller - I know that the larger rubbers are not used with it. Where can you buy the smaller rubber ? Like I say, it seems easy to buy spearGUN rubber but not pole rubber... Any clues ?!

OK Mark,

I am sure you knew it was only a matter of time before one of us posted on this board. We will be putting the spears to the ultimate test on the weekend.

The full report and pics will be posted next Monday (weather permitting).
I have one of the pole spears and it is an extremely effective killing machine and it is very well constructed. It has been said earlier but I must reiterate that you really have to hold one to apprieciate how beefy it is and the 1/2 band gives it tremendous hitting power. It makes my jbls feel like bean poles.
My only complaint, which is a personal preference thing, is that I wish it just came with a threaded shaft b/c I dont like that single flopper.

I ordered the replacement shaft.
I would recommend a Manny to anyone.
Mark Laboccetta said:
We had the latest batch of Manny Puig Polespears hard anodized. It gives the aluminum a greyish/satin finish. This is now a surgical instrument for spearing fish. The precision of the machine work is perfect I dare say.

I decided to take a few pictures, we're always trying to improve on what's good.

The rear knuckle that accomodates the band can now be unscrewed and used in the front piece as well instead of requiring two.


Mark do all of the retailers of the pole spear now have this new batch in stock? I am going to buy one, but I would like to get the one with the newest refinements, how do I confirm with them that the one I will be receiving is the newest? I will be ordering online since I am a million miles away from any shops that might carry this.
Hello Fogfish,

Rightfully so I would do the same if ordering one now. Ask where you order it that they make sure that its the latest production, easily discernable by the satin~titanium like finish as opposed to the clear anodized natural aluminum look of the first runs. There aren't many of the 1st generation around anymore as its turning over well.

Another thing to keep in mind, it isn't immediately apparent that the rear knuckle of the pole-spear unscrews since the machine work is so clean and you can barely notice an attachment point with the naked eye. If you'd like to take it out to inspect it and fiddle with it take the spearshaft out, run it through the band slot, and pry it counter clockwise. The O-ring will unseal and it will come unscrewed. You can use this piece in the front too if you want to make it 5'5' or to store your shaft in the front piece without it falling out.

Have fun with it!
It showed up today! It is from the new batch and I have to say, I did not think it would be so large. I almost feel like I am holding a harpoon. I can not wait to go jump in a lake with this and see what it can do, it's stunning.

Keep me updated on the progress with other tips, I definately want to increase my arsenal with this.
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