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Omer Stingray Soft Plastic Fin Blades

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Active Member
Jun 29, 2015

A couple of years ago I bought some Omer Stingray fins with plastic medium stiffness blades. I'd now like to buy some soft plastic blades to fit them, but cannot find any (and they were definitely available at that time - I almost bought them then). Does anyone know anywhere that still has some? I would consider second-hand if they're in fair condition.

Thanks very much!
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Yes, I think I would prefer softer fin blades in my Beuchat Competition fins too. I recently had to buy some fins on a trip, so bought some Apnea short, soft spearo fins, which were on sale. Quite pleasant to use although the foot pockets run very large for the stated size (so buy the next size down than you would expect) and I think Apnea's 2 longer blade options are probably better suited to the type of spearing I do.
Yes, I think I would prefer softer fin blades in my Beuchat Competition fins too. I recently had to buy some fins on a trip, so bought some Apnea short, soft spearo fins, which were on sale. Quite pleasant to use although the foot pockets run very large for the stated size (so buy the next size down than you would expect) and I think Apnea's 2 longer blade options are probably better suited to the type of spearing I do.
Thanks very much.
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