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One ugly gun finished...

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Johan S

New Member
Jan 25, 2007
I had a lot of fun building my first gun (the teak gun in the pictures) so I built another one that I can use when travelling and in places that I don´t wanna be careful with my gun. The new one is built out of ice hockey sticks and is oiled (the teak one has an epoxy finish). I didn´t put any effort in this one, not like with the first with the ebony shark and fish inlays.

It´s always fun with DIY projects, even if the result is a ugly piece of gun. It´s funtional and accurate though and that was my only intention with this new one. I use the same mech, spear and rubber for both of the guns. The mech can easily be moved between the two.

Sorry for bad pic quality!

/Johan S


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Function has a beauty of it's own. Thanks for sharing.

Cannibalsub: I saw your gun in your thread and THAT ONE is a nice piece of work!

//Johan, Sweden
Fantastic work Johan, I particularly like the shaft/mech swapping idea, 2 guns for the price of 1 more or less!
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