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Question Online Coach/instructor

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Dec 14, 2021
Hey guys, I'm a beginner freediver and did my first starter PADI freediver course.
Now I'm absolutely hooked and was wondering if there are remote or online instructors who can lead and teach me the right way.
Since there is no freediving club around and I can't find a buddy, the online instructor would be my bet chance.
I am of course happy to pay for it.
Any recommendations?
Hey guys, I'm a beginner freediver and did my first starter PADI freediver course.
Now I'm absolutely hooked and was wondering if there are remote or online instructors who can lead and teach me the right way.
Since there is no freediving club around and I can't find a buddy, the online instructor would be my bet chance.
I am of course happy to pay for it.
Any recommendations?
Still looking for someone.
Still looking for someone.
Hey man, I feel for you. I don't know if there is much that an instructor can do for you if you can't get into the water to practice. Maybe it would be different if you already had a lot of experience and needed help with something specific, then they could give you some dry exercises or a training plan for when you can get in the water. Most instructors don't want to take your money if they don't think they are providing some value. Also I could see how it would be problamatic if they though they were empowering you to go water train alone. IMHO, your best bet is to get a baloon equalization trainer and just do breath work and eq exercises on land. Alternatively you can teach a friend, relation, or spouse, to be your safety even if they don't want to dive themselves. This works really well for pool or shallow training where they can just stay on the surface and don't have to dive down to meet you at depth. (AND you are positively buoyant!)
Thanks for your reply, i actually would have the ability to get in the water with a boat and we also have a 7m long pool at home. Family could watch me.
Would that be something you or a coach would take on?
I just want to practice and get better.
Thanks for your reply, i actually would have the ability to get in the water with a boat and we also have a 7m long pool at home. Family could watch me.
Would that be something you or a coach would take on?
I just want to practice and get better.
I agree with you. You can do it if you work hard. Do you know anything about George not found merch?
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