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Question Optimal arm position for DYNB

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Feb 26, 2021
What is the best arm position for dynamic freediving with bifins in the pool? Stretched out in front of you (superman position) or by your sides? Online I have seen both in competitions so I wonder how big the difference is. The problem for me is that my arms are quite stiff and it takes some force to put them there (which is of course very bad). So I wonder if starting a stretch regime is worth the effort.
Having arms overhead can be very advantageous for being streamline and gliding, my experience is mostly only doing this in the DNF form. If you are unable to hold the arms overhead comfortably and breath hold is reduced then it is likely not worth it over long distances. Additionally if the body cannot be straight or the arms are not tucked close to the head then the efficiency gained will be mediocre. Doing the proper stretches for having the arms stretched overhead will improve your chest flexibility and gain glide efficiency, so definitely worth it. Just compare kicking off the wall and glide with arms in the overhead and side positions and shoot for a 20m glide. Once you get the stretching down the superman will be a piece of cake.
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