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Out for a bit

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Deeper Blue Budget Bwana
Jan 13, 2004
The Mrs. and I will be gone for twelve days starting tomorrow. We're taking a river cruise from Amsterdam to Basel along the Rhine. Most likely we'll be doing our Christmas shopping at the Kristkindlmarkts. No one does Christmas like the Germans . . .
Sounds like a serious trip, Sarge. But don't fall in the temptation when in Amsterdam: I've been told that Sex, Drugs and Rock&Roll are quite everywhere in that sinful city! ;-)

Now to express my best wishes for your cruising through Germany, I can't find any better words than the following two: Schweinsbratwurst and Braunschweiger!
Have a nice trip, and wave to my daughter as you go by Dusseldorf.
Spaghetti you forgot Sauerkraut and Bier.I will go down to the river ( I live 200 m from the river rhine) and wave. If the customs is fast i'll wave with a starfin in my hands, heheh.
Rheingau Riesling, surely a contender for best white wine in the world?
Moselle Riesling being the only other candidate.

Drink long and deep Sarge, they don't export a lot of the good stuff.
The Mrs. and I will be gone for twelve days starting tomorrow. We're taking a river cruise from Amsterdam to Basel along the Rhine. Most likely we'll be doing our Christmas shopping at the Kristkindlmarkts. No one does Christmas like the Germans . . .
Apparently the British do, we copied all our Christmas customs from Prince Albert, Queen Victoria's German husband.:D I know what you mean though. Sounds great. My son went last year. I believe Lapland is also popular for well resourced younger kids these days too.
We're taking a river cruise from Amsterdam to Basel along the Rhine. .

nice. I have a dream to do it the other way by homemade raft, the way it flows from mountain to sea. I wonder how hard it would be.... I think a long pole or a few paddles would be sufficient?
Much of the Rhine is controlled waterways with locks from Switzerland to the Netherlands. I'd advise sails at a minimum but really think a power boat would be more comfortable. At my age, it's all about comfort! :D
My girlfriend (also a apneist) is in Amsterdam. I'm there every month and contrary to this ridiculous report, it's a great, safe place. I trust you enjoyed yourself.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8bc_ZyORbM]YouTube - Fox News vs Amsterdam[/ame]
So how did it go Sarge? I hope you didn't get stuck sleeping in an airport by all that lousy weather.
So how did it go Sarge? I hope you didn't get stuck sleeping in an airport by all that lousy weather.

No, we were really lucky. Whenever we were delayed a bit arriving somewhere the departing plane was delayed equally. The trip was really fun but the cold was brutal. Normal temperatures for the area in the beginning of December run in the high 30/s-low 40/s. When we hit Amsterdam it was . . . 14! Cold? Man! But the ship was warm, the meals great and the Christmas markets held a bunch of stuff we liked. The Christmas tree this year was wooden ornaments and crystal! I really recommend the trip. If you're interested in taking one like it, PM me for the link.
No, we were really lucky. Whenever we were delayed a bit arriving somewhere the departing plane was delayed equally. The trip was really fun but the cold was brutal. Normal temperatures for the area in the beginning of December run in the high 30/s-low 40/s. When we hit Amsterdam it was . . . 14! Cold? Man! But the ship was warm, the meals great and the Christmas markets held a bunch of stuff we liked. The Christmas tree this year was wooden ornaments and crystal! I really recommend the trip. If you're interested in taking one like it, PM me for the link.

I'm glad to hear it worked out. We often go to visit our daughter in Dusselforf for Christmas, but didn't do it this year, and were very glad. It sounded like we would have arrived, if at all, just in time to try to come home. Europe seemed to be a disaster.

The trip sounds like fun, but I think we'll pass. We have been to Amsterdam before starting a bicycle tour through Holland and Belgium, and have seen a lot of Germany with our daughter and her husband. I'm not sure we want to be stuck on a boat. :)
I enjoyed the pre-Christmas snow. Pretty inconvenient those that planned to travel though. Apparently they had a lot of snow in Germany a week or so ago too.
Was not that much snow teh last two weeks, but a soon the rain turns white everything goes wrong, trains stop, planes don't fly, and sometimes you have to sleep an a highway. It is winter and sometimes there is snow in winter, but i think 80 percent of the germans don't lan with these conditions. (winter tires on trucks and busses, reduced speed in traffic eg.)
Sarge could be glad, that he already made his trip because the Rhine is closed due to a ship accident at the lorely.


My niece sent me a few pics a couple of days ago, their two husky dogs escaped.
They stepped over the 8' high fence due to a 6' snow drift in her garden!
She lives in Boston.
Once again I remember why I never left California for more than a couple of weeks!
It was awesome!



Now, to get my family and friends to start helping me eat up the 300 lbs of meat in the freezer!
"Travel the world, see interesting creatures . . . and KILL EM!!!"

Looks like a groovy trip mate.

Jeez, now I've said Groovy. SOMEBODY DISLIKE THIS POST!!!
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